獣の奏者 chapter 8, part 4 discussion

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Chapter 8, Part 4: 風雲、 魔がさした子アクン・メ・チャイ

Start Date: October 24th
Previous Week: Chapter 8, part 3
Next Week: Chapter 8, part 5

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number. If you are reading the ebook version mention the percentage.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
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Read Aloud

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I haven’t read the chapter yet, but from the events in last chapter I’m guessing that Erin will (try to) convince Damiya that she is this アクン・メ・チャイ thing to explain why she is the only one who can control 王獣.

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I do have a question.

what is that アクン・メ・チャイ? I don’t remember them mentioning it before? Maybe it’s because I only read that book once a week that I lose parts from time to time. Other than that I have a hard time seeing Erin have a happy end. Either she joins ダミヤ and has to go to war or doN’t help him and maybe get killed. Even if she does not get killed by ダミヤ 大公 won’t like that she can train 王獣.

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I don’t remember that either from before but I found it helpful to read the underlying kanji: 魔がさした子 (and I’m assuming it’s 差す here: “to be visible” / “to be tinged with” or something the like).


They talked about it a very long time ago, I think when Erin was still with her mother. In the village, maybe the grandfather mentioned how Erin is a アクン・メ・チャイ, having been born from an アーリョ (or something like that). As Nicole says, it helps to look at the kanji. It implies her being possessed by some evil spirit, which is what’s allowing her to control the 王獣.

The ending of this part forebodes a “betrayal” by Erin. She’s thinking about joining アルハン in order to make him win and become ヨジェ himself, because that would mean freeing the 王獣s from their fate.

This week spoiler

Interesting I did not saw it like that.

Yeah, that’s also what I’m thinking. ダミヤ’s words are having quite the opposite effect of what he wants because he doesn’t really grasp エリン’s motivations yet.

We’re so close to the end now, and it’s like every chapter brings some new turn. All the same, possible routes are becoming clearer. ワクワク!


We briefly discussed the use of ようとする in the sentence 「そろそろ昼になろうとする時刻だった。」 during the read aloud this morning. Below is a section from 日本語文型辞典 that basically describes it as meaning just before [verb] happens.

Definition and examples

Also, there was a picture in this chapter.

Picture (spoiler)


Is that a 王獣? I never imagined them with a wolf head. For me it was just a giant bird.

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Yes, they were initially described as having the face of a wolf long, long ago when Erin first saw them.


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Thx for the info. Sometimes I feel like my brain just read but skip parts that I don’t understand. Then I realize “Wait I need to come back I did not understand what was said before.” Sometime I’m also distracted and can’t focus well. One day I will understand every words of a japanese book

To be fair, I don’t think their faces have really been described much since that initial encounter. A lot more attention has been paid to their feathers and the sounds they make.