獣の奏者 chapter 1, part 1 discussion

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獣の奏者 Home Thread

Chapter 1, Part 1: 蜂飼い、流れついた子

Start Date: February 22nd
Previous Week: Prologue, part 4
Next Week: Chapter 1, part 2

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number. If you are reading the ebook version mention the percentage.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :durtle:

Read Aloud

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I got a head start because it’s a long section. I have one question so far.

Page 76


This is basically saying that because he’s far from other people he can’t gather helpers/assistance(?) and have a burial for the presumed dead Erin, right?


That’s how I read it, too.

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I read it like this too…I thought that was “わけにはいかない” so “I cannot afford to” ? :eyes:

わけにはいかない indicates you cannot do something due to an external circumstance.
See also p581 Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar (if anyone has it)


I prefer to start the new week after the reading on discord so it’s always a bit of a surprise to see the new thread up so ‘early’. :stuck_out_tongue:

@KazeTachinu You certainly weren’t exaggerating about how often 漂う comes up. :laughing:

Reminds me of how Brandon Sanderson loves the word “tempest”.

Or how much the word ぼんやり came out in 時をかける少女 Every author have their favorite word I guess.

Concerning this week reading The old man used the bee’s needle to stab Erin below where the swollen part where it was swollen right. Something about bee’s poison or something. Can someone can explain it to me please.

My thoughts I wonder what she will do from now on. I mean she can’t go back to the village right? The grand-father saw her trying to save her mother. Maybe she will live with John and will help him or something.


That’s right. He brought back 2 bees, plucked their needles (the bee dies when you pluck its needle), and used them at the swollen parts. He made sure he didn’t use them for too long (not to insert too much poison). The bee’s poison helps cure the swelling.

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Just wondering In real life, does bees have poison that cure swelling? I never heard of that before. The part about dying when losing the needle I remembered it but never heard of anti-swelling poison.

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It apparently has anti-inflammatory properties and can help in treating skin health and other problems.

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We learn everyday thanks to light novel and anime. Who need school when you can learn with anime right?


I wondered about that too and so I did a bit of research. According to what I found the bee poison causes a swelling because it widens the blood vessels, so that would not be exactly helpful with her wounds, I guess. In modern medicine it is used to cure rheumatic and neuralgic issues (I imagine that it is used similarly to Tiger Balm or these heat patches that you stick on the back when it’s in pain). So I take this to be pure fiction.
But then again, @mrahhal seems to know more about this… Do you have any resources for this? I’d be interested to learn more about it.

Hi, Erin :slight_smile:
(I mean, she wonders about the same things at the end of the section ^^)


Ohh, I don’t know much no. I just remembered some stories from my childhood haha. Searching a bit, seems like it is really good for dealing with inflammation at least (arthritis, rheumatism).


I think that She did had some rheumatic according to what I understood. Only the joint were swollen right? Maybe that how it was useful

I’m found out, quick run !!!
No seriously I was just wondering how the story would develop from now on. I hardly think she is gonna stay like this forever since the story seems to revolve around the snake beasts. Maybe She will raise and army or snake beast and take over the world to rule as the supreme overlord or something. Wait… wrong anime. The old man does not seem super rich so she probably can’t just stay there for free. I really like the story so far


I understood that because she rode on the Touda with her bare legs in order to escape from the swamp where the execution took place (and so she clung to them like when riding on a horse, by holding on with her legs/knees), the Touda’s scales cut open the insides of her legs pretty badly, and that’s where the infection / swelling came from.

And yeah, I’m also wondering how she will manage to survive from that point on…


Just a tiny question here.

Page 92


What exactly is the nuance of はるかに here? I can’t tell if it’s some kind of “as far as the eye can see” thing, or if it’s that thing with に where you add something after the fact. (I don’t know the exact formation of that grammar though, so maybe it’s completely invalid here. I’m having trouble finding it in my grammar dictionaries to cross-reference) That could make はるかに広大 something like “far and vast”? But that sounds weird.

Anyway, I’m done speculating. The meaning of the sentence as a whole is obvious, but this little detail is bugging me.

The はるかに is telling you how much more vast it is. It is far more vast.

A stab at a brutally bad rough translation…

“Since it is far more vast than the Yojie territory we live in and since it is blessed with plains abundant in water sources, the rice plants also bear fruit well there.”


Here’s what tells my dictionary maybe it can help you:

①遠く へだたるようす。
②ひじょうに ちがうようす。
「━に すぐれている」
三省堂国語辞典 第七版


Just finished the section. I’m really enjoying the book so far. The difficulty really isn’t that bad overall too. There’s still a ton of words I have to look up, but only getting stumped on a few sentences a week is pretty good considering how much we’re reading.

For those that didn’t know, when I posted the summary for the book in the home thread I only put half of the summary from Wikipedia. We still haven’t gotten past the point that the full summary mentions, and may not for another 2-3 weeks. That’s how much gets spoiled by the summary.