時をかける少女: Week 9 Discussion (Chapters 14 and 15)

From the context, it can only be 錠 (lock), but I didn’t know you could use おりる with that word, but apparently you can (this is with the transitive version, おろす, but then it probably means おりる can be used intransitively). In the end it just means the she thinks the kitchen door is probably locked.

うるさい doesn’t necessarily have to be related to noise. This usage is better represented by the second entry on jisho. For a monolingual explanation:


It means she is insistent (to an annoying level) in locking up doors. In the end, it’s some background information for the readers to understand why she thinks the kitchen door is locked.

Also, thanks for the screenshot :wink:



That word slipped my mind lol

Interesting, it reminds me of those old wooden doors that lock by lowering a plank

Aah, she’s うるさい about 戸じまり, makes sense


That’s exactly the image that was in my head when I read that part.

Also, yaaaaaaaaay I finally caught up!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Haven’t stopped to look up anything since Chapter 3 :sweat_smile: so I might still post questions in older threads as I go back and catch up on that, but at least I can keep up with the discussion now without worrying about spoilers.:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Oho, super crisp and clear! :star_struck:

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I found Chapter 14 very readable :blush:

But I’ve switched which end of the dust jacket I’m using as a page marker and I keep looking at my book upside down as a result :upside_down_face:

Tsubasa Bunko ed.

Page 82


Hopefully just a check: is she saying she put power into her limbs?! I can sort of see how that makes sense in context, but it makes it sound like that’s what she did before, hence trying to copy it…


This is how the house is described when she creeps out of her room, but I have no idea what it means. It’s even emphasised!

Page 83


I’m not quite sure about the verb at the end - きまる? It was decided? But how does that fit with きっとまた, ‘surely, again’? I feel like without the beginning I’d translate it as “we concluded I jump to the past”, but without the end as “surely I’ve jumped to the past again” :sweat_smile:

Page 84


I’m a bit confused by the tense of this sentence. From context, I assume it means she must go to school because of the reasons she then details (she has to meet the mysterious person), but then why is it in the past tense?


I feel like it’s pointless to question particles, but why is the と particle used there?

Also, I realise I haven’t read chapter 15 yet, but it seems very lucky that she hasn’t appeared in front of anybody when leaping yet! I actually felt like celebrating a little when she managed to leap on purpose for the first time ^^


I think that’s correct, though I would interpret it as meaning she did it unnaturally because she’s trying to copy what she did earlier, not that she forced herself the last time.

I think this one is very common in manga. It’s one of those weird onomatopeia the Japanese like to use, and it represents silence. That would make sense in the context, at least.

~に決まっている is a grammar point in itself, and it means 絶対に~だ. She’s certain about having jumped into the past, and the きっと just serves to reinforce that.

:thinking: :sweat_smile: :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t seem weird to me, but I can’t begin to imagine why.

I know right? :sweat_smile: と is used with なる sometimes, and I have no idea when or why, but I learned to accept it. Like the previous question, I don’t nearly know grammar formally enough to give you any meaningful explanation about that one either, I’m afraid.


Yeah, I didn’t think that was the implication - it just didn’t feel like it matched anything about the description of the last time she jumped, whether or not it was deliberate at the time. Ah well, if I understood the sentence and was just thrown by context I’ll consider that a win :wink:

Ah, yep, makes perfect sense. Cheers.

Ooh, cool!

:upside_down_face: :joy: I might not have noticed, actually, except for the fact that I spent a while confused because I thought it was talking about what she would (or should) have done that morning, or all sorts of options relating to the actual past.


Yeah, I didn’t remember it specifically, I just assumed it meant silence from the context and didn’t bother to look it up. But since it got brought up, it is in Jisho!

That’s normal :man_shrugging: I think it’s used in hypothetical sentences suggesting the best course of action to make it more emphatic or something


力を入れる means to flex one’s muscle. She is basically pulling a dragon ball move, minus the aura and the hairstyle change.

(Just, not as dramatic)


You don’t know that.


True 力 will do that to ya



I was filling it out until a couple of weeks ago when I disappeared Into an alternative reality overseas on holidays. Sorry to leave you on your ownsome!


I’ve only been adding 5 to 10 words per chapter as I’ve had to look them up for myself, but I asked the question because it seemed a little pointless if no one else was using it.

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Oooh. Okay, I’m happier with that - thank you! :ok_hand:

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I couldn’t quote you’re spoiler >//<

But she is super lucky she hasn’t disappeared in front of anyone yet either. Since apparently her former body just disappears when she appears right?


:scream: I hadn’t even thought of that!

also yeah, quoting spoilered text is a pain in the butt >.<

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Kadokawa Page 77
Is that saying something like “an example of a ぼんやり expression”?

Page 78
Ignore this one, I figured it out but I though I’d break it up in case anyone has similar troubles in future :+1:
ずっと 後 explanatory の (and therefore な since 後 is a noun) し(reason, and therefore だ)


deja vu
Is it just me or does it feel less creepy this time around? Was it even creepy the first time? Maybe because there’s context now I understand the sounds…

I can’t believe I did it!~ I read 4.5 pages in ~40 odd minutes! \o/ And only one question :confetti_ball: may or may not have been because all but one word I didn’t know didn’t come up more than once so I only had to make one flashcards, but shh :eyes:

I’m starting to think I misinterpreted the beginning of the book… The doors opening and closing, and the piano didn’t seem creepy anymore. Maybe context, maybe I understand it more but also this time around lacked some of the ‘creepy’ words (なにかしらさむざむしい, だれもいない廊下). Also I thought the way Gorou was talking about Kazuko while in the bathroom sounded really rude but she didn’t seem to be offended by it at all :thinking: But we get to find out who/what (there’s 人 xarde!! ) this あやしい人影 is now! :confetti_ball: already knows because he watched the movie :sob: at least I think I remember…

It’s really late now and I’m going to bed so I’m sorry if I don’t reply for ages if anyone replies :bowing_man:


I think it means “he nodded with the usual ぼんやり expression on his face”




But then no one would know if she did anyway because she would go back into the past before that happened and events would change.