Heh, interesting! I thought it’s maybe better to keep it the same as in the book, because (a) it might be easier to find in the book, and (b) I might misinterpret some kana word and put in the wrong kanji to the confusion of others.
So I think it’s that time again… What do y’all think?
I tend to use the kanji only if I’m pretty sure I’m right, to avoid the issue you’re describing. I find it easier to read and look things up with Yomichan once it’s using kanji.
I’m sure that’s how all those novels are written too. They just open Word or something and try to make it look fine. For furigana you just have to reduce the font size
Can’t believe you actually did this, it looks surprisingly good
Okay, so I’m still behind but I’m getting there. If anyone has time to answer a few lots of questions, I’d be very grateful but regardless I’m ploughing on with chapter 10 finally! some day I shall come back for you, chapter 7…
All from Tsubasa Bunko ed.
Chapter 8
Pages 48 - 49
What does もの見高い人 mean - people coming to gawk?
Page 49
Apparently 目ざとい is ‘sharp-sighted’ or ‘easily-awakened’. Is that just a slightly awkward translation for this context, basically referring to the fact that Kazuko is (was) apparently up bright and ready to go, as it were (in contrast to the late Gorou)?
Page 53
。。。朝の光がへやにみちていた。みち what now? Is this from みちる and means the room was full of morning light? Was being filled? (shouldn’t it conjugate like みちって?!)
Chapter 9
Page 55
Mariko says this to Kazuko before heading off. I assume she’s saying something like “don’t you be late too!”, but what role is the まで playing here? Don’t [wait] till the point that you are late? It seems like a weird word order for that.
Page 58
I think I’m just confused by that middle bit - するどい音をたててくだけ - what is happening, and what is it happening to?!
。。。足をけがしたらしい中年の人が。。。 What does けがす mean in this context?
I think you have the meaning right. In cases like this, まで is just a different version of “until”, meaning “even” or “to the extent”. Like “don’t even you be late!”
But I agree, “too” or “also” is sometimes the most natural way to put it in English.
I totally thought that was applying to Kazuko. D’oh.
I cry.
My jisho-fu needs some serious work. I could swear I tried the all-kana version of ものみだかい…
okay, I’ll just squint at the page and accept that
Aah, that way of looking at it helps me.
Oooh - I was pretty sure するどい音 was a sharp noise, but I got totally confused by what those verbs were (didn’t actually realise it was two) and then started wondering if actually something was happening to the sound… Some poor deduction skills from me there.