不審 = suspicious
地団駄を踏む = to stamp one’s feet (in frustration, impatience, etc.)
不審 = suspicious
地団駄を踏む = to stamp one’s feet (in frustration, impatience, etc.)
Thank you!~ Classic case of selective reading on that first one >.<
Oh wow, that’s really interesting! I’ve never ever read or heard anything about that and that slightly concerns me. But it’s a good connection to understand.
Thank you for that, learn something new every day I guess
I originally thought the truck crashed into the storefront, so was that not the case then? I also assumed that the middle aged man got injured from the truck crashing into the storefront, but was that just from the broken glass then? Or perhaps the woman crashed into him?
Mostly double checking because @QuackingShoe said “You guys are on track with everything” shortly after you posted and I wasn’t sure if your thoughts were included in that.
No, you’re right. Sorry, I missed that part - I was reading through pretty quickly and was actually expecting a different part to be wrong - and it wasn’t - so I ended up glossing over that bit.
Phew, thank you! I feel better now.
Some additional questions about chapter 9.
Page 54:
What’s the 多い here? 真理子 frequently sits next to 和子?
Page 56:
What is 立っと?
So I get that the truck jumped up onto the sidewalk after passing before Gorou’s eyes. But what is the middle part specifically saying?
Originally it would be かけることが多い, but since in modifying clauses が can usually be replaced with の that’s the language magic that happened there. It just means 真理子 seats a lot beside her.
Are you sure it’s not 立つと?
Yes. Her かけることの(が)多い
It’s 立つと. He just did the one thing and then the other.
That the chassis is quaking uncomfortably
@sigolino !!!
shakes fist
I admit I rushed to finish before you when I saw you typing Didn’t even finish though
I’m happy to say this is the silliest rivalry I’ve ever been a part of.
(I think I subconsciously wanted it to be 立って…)
Happens to the best of us
I saw the pair of you typing and didn’t even bother!
I wish I had the edition with more kanji in it. 不格好 激しい 飛び are all in kana in my book.
I’m so happy to be a benefactor of your rivalry
Sorry to tell you that there is no version with more kanji… I think this is just seanblue ('s keyboard) writing the kanji while typing.
(Happens to me all the time, and I always need to double-check and revert back to kana where the book doesn’t have kanji )
The only difference to the other edition is the 99% absence of furigana.
Oh, I see! So the bus hits the young woman and pushes her aside, and finally (最後に) the truck hits the storefront - not the woman.
This makes so much more sense, thank you for catching it!
I’m actually writing it with kanji on purpose, for better or worse.