放浪息子 (Wandering Son) miscellaneous discussion

Oh man, it still looks more like a 4 than a チ to me. :joy:
It looks so much like a 4 that even the Google Translate camera feature thought it was a 4.

But yeah, that’s definitely right, so thanks!

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I finished my daily キノ reading with some time to spare today so I could finally get back to this. I had missed it.
I read chapter 20, too bad it was pretty sad ;_;


I read chapter 21 surprisingly fast and whoah everyone is going crazy in this chapter.

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I think I need to go grab volume 3 so I can remember what was happening in those chapters. Maybe later.

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@Sylph By the way, do you already own the whole series?

Well, technically not yet, but since I’m getting them digitally I can just instantly get them as I go.


I’m a little confused by a conversation in chapter 36.

Pages 56-58

So here’s what I understood:

  • Chii thinks Takatsuki looks cool in the guy uniform.
  • She also thinks Takatsuki looks cooler than she did.
  • Other girl comments that Chii looked cooler because she wore it first (ha)
  • Chii asks if it’s first come first serve (also ha)

Then I get confused.

  • 私だって男子の真似だよ
    だって is the bane of my existence. Is it being used as a quote in this case (as opposed to the “even” meaning)? Is this something like “They say I’m just impersonating a guy”?
  • 服を選ぶ自由もないんだね
    But… she does pick her own clothes. What does she mean by this?

Possibly more questions for this chapter coming later.


It’s this だって:

So, yes, it’s the “even” meaning.

I remember this part, but not enough to help with the second one.
Edit: ah, maybe because they have to wear uniforms?

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Maybe, but she ignored the rules at the beginning, and at least they didn’t show her getting scolded or anything.

General chapter 37 comments

Looks like everyone is trying to make up so yay! Plus, I like that Maho is trying to be a better big sister. Nice character development for her the last few chapters.


Hey guys, quick question: what reading level would you put the manga at? It looks like I’d enjoy it, but I’m worried it’s above where I’m at right now.

What criteria are you asking about when you say reading level? There’s obviously several factors.

I can give my opinion in detail tomorrow, but for now I need sleep. :sweat_smile:

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Well, I’m around JLPT4 level, kanji and grammar wise. I’m too beginner, aren’t I?

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That’s about when I started reading manga. It wasn’t a pleasant for a while, but it helped a lot to make progress. Plus, you’ll be able to ask questions here… so I’d say go for it.


Thank you! I’m anticipating reading with a dictionary by my side at first, but hopefully will find it easier as I go. I know there are easier books/manga out there, but to be honest they look kinda boring and don’t really appeal to me, whereas this series looks interesting enough to really hold my attention.


I read it when I sucked, and I didn’t have a group to ask questions of. Go for itttt


For comparison, I obviously know a lot more kanji (since I’m almost done WaniKani), but I’d say my grammar level is pretty solid N4 and a scattering of N3. But I started reading manga back when I was like N3 kanji and N5 grammar (and books not too long after). It was a struggle but I still got through, and it really helped improve my reading ability.

Regarding 放浪息子 specifically, it’s actually much easier than I had originally anticipated. Some chapters I can read with ease, and understand 95+% (after looking up vocab) and don’t bother asking any questions. Occasionally I need to read a chapter twice or ask a couple questions here. I think for you the biggest difficulty might be the kanji, since there’s barely any furigana. But that’s not a reason not to try, and it’ll only get easier as you keep leveling up in WaniKani.

I have jisho.org up the whole time. :slight_smile:

And that’s the most important thing! You’ll be able to push through the difficulty more if you find it interesting! And as the others said, you can always ask us questions. :smiley:


Thanks for the advice guys! Think I’m gonna take the plunge and purchase the first volume. Hoo-boy!


Look what kanji just came up in my lessons!



Nice ! And 放浪 is not far behind :wink:

It’s always nice when there’s a lesson and you’re like “know it already!”. :smile: