島 and 鳥 aren't considered visually similar?

I wanted to come back to 岡 and 罔 since 岡 is hill and 罔 is net (based on radical n°122 网). Which would make 網 way easier to remember as 糸 Thread + 罔 Net and correct instead of falsely listing it as 糸 Thread + 岡 Hill.

At least it’s the first harmful mistake I stumbled upon, I hope there won’t be more on my way to 60 heh!

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And even more crucially, 山 and 亡 are different. What’s the point in pretending they are the same ?

As both of them are known (and appear as components on several other kanji) before the first 岡 or 罔 is taught, why not do the proper decomposition? It would be easier for learners.


Is this the official place to request new additions? Because there’s like 10x as many easily-confused kanji as what WK actually lists.

Thanks. Memorizing these radical distinctions are what allow me to ultimately distinguish visually similar kanji, so I appreciate any I come across.

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Since this seems to be official place to report missing similar kanji, I guess I’ll list a few I’ve long had problems with. It seems like WK has finally added similar kanji for most of the low level kanji (e.g. green/edge/line, hold/wait, bird/island, etc.), but they’re still missing most for higher level kanji.






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Another one: 亮 and 亭

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Thanks for the updates! Here’s another one: 降 and 障

Also 著and 若

Just found 探 and 採 as well

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