Today I have finished reading the 2 chapter of the book - 6 more to go. Third chapter is much longer, it will take me at least a month to go through that one, if not more than that. The reading is pretty difficult for me, but towards the end of the chapter I finally got the flow feeling, so my need for words search significantly dropped. This is also well seen in the vocab spreadsheet
So in a celebration of sorts I have decided to look for more info on a tranditional handicraft that is mentioned in this chapter. Mentioned in passing, so I guess it is no spoiler. The craft is called 組紐 - weaving colorful dimensional cords that are used in Shinto shrines. There is also a word 重り玉 mentioned in the description of this process.
Google search actually shows this pic#1 for this word. These are small spheres made of lead which have various weights and are used in fishing as far as I got the idea.
However, those things that are used in the 君の名は are shown on this pic#2. These are heavy spools that keep the threads for weaving the cords.
I have found quite a few videos on Youtube on traditional way these cords are made and wanted to share one I liked. This is not the only way to make these cords, but this is the one mentioned in the chapter. Many more can be found under 伝統的な 組紐 search tag, plus their modern, lite variants.
組紐 作り方