Preambule on the thread
Hi everyone!
I was just recently tidying up my bookshelf in an attempt to set up a decent reading practice (and finally read all those books purchased years ago with a thought “ow, that looks so interesting, doesn’t matter I don’t get a word out of synopsis! I will definitely be able to read this in a couple of months!” Sweet lies, heh.)
And I found the 君の名は light novel edition which I bought in Nov 2016. 4 years anniversary - good time to read this one!
I was dead sure this novel was read once in one of the WK reading clubs and was surprised to realise it wasn’t. At least my search through the forum and Reading subsection brought me nothing except the book being mentioned here and there.
So well, I started to read it regardless. I have no power to call for the reading group anyway (I mean, I am just dead tired with my current lifestyle, so…no energy left). I will be building a vocabulary Google sheet as I read it and plan to share it here once I am done.
Also sort of a promise to myself to finally read the book before 2020 ends and watch that animovie!
You see, I’ve promised to watch it only after I finish the book, so my husband already silently flips through this page in our local movie app
In case I missed the topic where the 君の名は was actually read, could anyone please guide me there? Building a vocab takes quite some time, so I’d love to save the effort if possible…
UPDATE: as @Belthazar and @NicoleIsEnough clarified, 君の名は indeed has not yet been read in a book club since it came second in the votes within Intermediate book club. So this thread then will be the standalone reading thread. Anyone can join any time, read at your own pace, add questions or answer them as well as share anything you find curious about the book.
ABOUT THE BOOK: published by Kadokawa in 2016, it exists in several versions including the one issued by Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko (i.e. for younger readers, with furigana). You may want to find this one to make it an easier reading. Sample pages can be found here: Tsubasa Bunko ed at BookLive
I started the book when I was lv25 and it is pretty difficult. But since I have no schedule pressing me, it is much easier to read
VOCABULARIES: Koohi has the word list here, as advised by @eefara. I am building the vocab list as well while I crawl through the book, it can be found Here
So let’s enjoy some reading