何回 and 何度 and some more words


I have a question.
WK learn you(me 2 at the moment) words for “how many times?”
nankai and nando, later at level 58 nanben and level 31 nanben are added. (Sorry I don’t have kana/kanji IME)
All these words seem similar to me and they have the same meaning.
Is there somehow a difference in use or politeness?



I’ve been wondering about the difference between these as well.
Some other pairs are 今度, 今回 and 毎度, 毎回.

The only thing I can say for sure is that 今度 it’s often used to mean “next time” instead of “this time”, as in. “今度うちに遊びに来てください”. “Please drop by next time”.

These pairs are interesting. For counting the number of times something happens, then either 何回 or 何度 can be used which is why they seem so very similar.

1回しました / 1度しました = Did once
何度もしました / 何回もしました = Did many times

But they each have their special usages

3回を回転した = Rotated three times
温度が10度下がった = Temperature fell by 10 degrees

Looking at those two sentences, it seems obvious that 回 or 度 would be the right one to use as a counter, because it matches the kanji used in the verb! But this is why if you’re speaking about number of rotations then it’s 何回 or degrees of temperature then 何度

Yes, and with a convenient air of non-specificity.

Want to never actually do something with someone but sound like you do? Use 今度!


My understanding is that they are largely interchangeable when referring to “times,” excluding the this time vs. next time exception already noted.

Other random uses:

  • 何度も何度も is a saying, but not 何回も何回も
  • Restaurant employees/owners will often say 毎度ありがとうございます but never 毎回
  • I’ve heard 何度も used as “many times” more than 何回も though both are possible (何度も definitely rolls off the tongue faster though)

I have heard 何回も何回も though it certain isn’t as common (~5m results on google vs ~25m).

When watching videos on Youtube I often see 最終回 for the last time. At the beginning of the video, the creator often says 今回は~をやっていきたいと思います (game playthroughs). This illustrates that usage of 回 is better for structured repeated occurences.

  • Typically 度 is not used for counting times beyond 1度, 2度, and sometimes 3度 or more for special phrases.
  • ~度目 is used more than ~回目. Counting times with bigger numbers (50th time for example) especially use ~度目 more than ~回目.
  • 前回 does not have a 度 equivalent.
  • 第~回 is used but 第~度 isn’t.
  • When doing arithmetic with the number of times to produce a decimal, only 回 is used (like 7.4回).
  • When counting occurences in a period of time 回 is used unless the time period is really short.
  • Since 回 refers to structured repetition, 度 is used more with unpredictable numbers
  • 毎回 and 毎度 are both used
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