Another chapter based on the main series
It feels like a “previously, in チー”
Ch2 (p12)
Oh! That’s definitively not in the main series =)
What’s wrong with him? Oo
Yeah… I don’t see any change either
Just… no! >_<
Seems like the dad doesn’t realize that she can’t understand him
lol, sleeping while the pancake is in her mouth :‘) Is it even possible? ^^’
Ch3 (p19)
Started like a chapter in the main series but changed on the second page.
Kids… don’t give that to a cat u_u’
Haha, コッチ trying to act cute xD
That’s not nice, lady, poor コッチ
Thanks you, sir =)
Nice to see a real chapter; there was no need for the first page though… why the heck would チー dream of being a cow? She can’t understand ヨウヘイ
Ch5 (p31)
Raise your hand if, in your country, the parents would most likely have been reported to the government because ヨウヘイ is hungry in the street instead of eating at home
Ch6 (p38)
Wait… did the bird change from one frame to the next on the same page? oO
Poor チー ^^
I guess I pushed it off more than needed cause I had to figure out where I bough it digitally =P
It did take me about half hour to find it XD
But there is so little text in these chapters so managed to catch up =)
I didn’t write per chapter this time, not that much to say.
Some repeats, some new. I still by har prefer the new
I used to wander of from 4-5 years of age. They had to go look all around town for me cause I didn’t come home till late
Not sure what age he is supposed to be anyway (older here than the original, at least drawn much older) and seem like more in a big city than where I grew up =P
People can be quick to report though, for stupid circumstances. A neighbor got reported cause the kid wasn’t hungry during lunch. ONCE! This one day she didn’t feel like eating her lunch, having an off day (but well enough to go to school)
It went nowhere of cause, cause there was no case. But the fact that the school even reported it -_-
That bird changed from a black to a brown one… Maybe the black was supposed to be “not yet seen it properly”/mystery?
Also, did they release the pet bird again, since he is outside again later in the chapter? Shouldn’t he have brought him home instead? =P
So, in this chapter, チー is doing as much damage as she can before the humans return, is that it?
Someone forgot their phone Are they ok? How could one forget such an essential part of their body?
And now, they need a new one.
I need a new rice cooker (but I don’t need such a complex one x) and certainly not one that speaks…)
Ok… Now, I want the same chapter but with the technologies that existed when the first chapter of the main series was made
チー won against 3 out of 4 machines, almost there!
Ch11 (p75)
Nice chapter, liked how the dog came back to get them x)