三ツ星カラーズ — Week 14 Discussion (ABBC)

Page 118, Panel 4, Sacchan: ちょっといいかな

Quite a gap between my literal translating and DL
Is it:
ちょっと いい かな - I wonder bit good, bit ok
ちょっと いい か な - Was that bit ok

DL: Let me see, Can I have a word.


This is sort of a set phrase. You’ll say ちょっと to politely indicate that you need someone’s attention for a moment. ちょっといい is asking whether it’s okay to bother someone for a moment. The “have a word” part is implied, but I suppose it can mean other things in context, like pause what you’re doing, come with me, etc. It is all left unsaid. I guess “a moment please” is close enough and general enough to fit most nuances.


I was under impression that leaving off the ください from that sort of statement makes a bit more emphatic. Maybe the word ordering is too strong, but it thought it was more emphatic than just asking. Or does it just make it less polite, and is okay between close friends?


It’d be this. Dropping ください is more casual.


I interpreted the つくる as having the 2nd meaning listed in jisho “to prepare (food)” rather than the 3rd, “to cultivate” since in the last chapter they’d discussed them being edible and decided to collect them as emergency rations.

I caught up! I’m finally able to read along with the group for the last chapter :tada: