レンタルおにいちゃん - Week 6 Discussion (Absolute Beginners Book Club)

Thanks! You helped me a great deal! :3

That sentence looks so easy but I feel I was miles away from this meaning! Thanks. I was thinking of また as “yet” but forgot it could mean “at a later time/again/once more” as well.


Getting it confused with まだ? :laughing: I do that more often than I’d like to admit.

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I certainly did :upside_down_face:
and it wasn’t the first time either

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Week 7 thread is up!


Here’s this week’s comparison between the original Pixiv release and the commercial release:

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As we’ve seen before, certain words have been losing their kanji. This time, it’s 嬉しい which was demoted down to うれしい. (For those of us who haven’t reached WK level 40 yet, I assure you it’s the same word, just without the kanji.)

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The final line changed here:

Release Line Translation
Pixiv ずっと見てきました had been continuously looking at it
Commercial とろうとしてきました had attempted to steal it

Originally, Sae-chan said Kanami was very jealous, and because of that she kept looking at it. In the commercial release, it’s said that Kanami tried to take it.

(Details on volitional verb + とする.)

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Big change in dialogue here:

Release Line Translation
Pixiv 叶実ちゃんならやりかねないよね If it’s Kanami, she’s liable to do it, right?
Commercial 叶実ちゃんパパとママいないし… Kanami doesn’t have a mom or a dad…
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Another kanji demotion, from 改めて to あらためて.

It’s just as well. I won’t learn 改 until I reach WK level…wait, what do you mean I should already know this one? I guess there’s a reason it’s only guru when I first unlocked it nine and a half months ago. Well, maybe I’ll remember it on the next review if I re-read this chapter a few times. (Oh, but the kanji was demoted… Well.)

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何 was demoted down to なん.

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全て became すべて. That is all.

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Slight change in dialogue:

Release Line Translation
Pixiv こんなの知らない…っ I’m unaware about this.
Commercial 私 知らない…っ I’m unaware.
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Sae-chan’s mother’s 「あーあ」 became a full-fledged 「まったく」.

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Aside from Big Brother losing his place among Titans, there’s a very minor text change here. Originally the line read 「言って聞かせて」. This was changed to 「言い聞かせて」.

I don’t know the nuance in difference between the two.

Page 68

Another kanji loss, from 分かってる to わかってる.

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A couple of dialogue changes:

Release Line Translation
Pixiv 多分紗絵って子にはめられたと思う PENDING
Commercial あの紗絵って子にはめられたんだと思う PENDING

I wonder if having 多分 (たぶん, probably) simply felt redundant with と思う (I think). Or perhaps they wanted to add in あの, but that make it more difficult to keep 多分 in there.

As for adding the んだ, that takes a verb sentence, and makes it into a noun in a “it is X” sentence.

  • Verb sentence: I think, “Sae put it in.”
  • Noun sentence: I think, “It’s that Sae put it in.”

I still struggle a bit on understanding “why” a verb sentence gets のだ/んだ added to it. I know “Japanese the Manga Way” has a short section on this, so maybe I just need to review that again.

In the second word balloon, 良かった became よかった.

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Naturally there was a 当然 added.

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A couple more 嬉しい turned うれしい.

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…and one more 嬉しい turned うれしい.

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あの日 had ・・・ added beside it.


I try to read every day for at least an hour, and I swear this happens to me almost daily =._.=


Life got in the way a bit this week so I’m a little behind. Gonna do my best to catch up asap.

Anyway I went back over Week 6 pages as there was quite a lot in there I didn’t know at first. Personally I found this the toughest week as it covered so many different verb forms: volitional, passive, command, causative and potential!

Page 72

One question on the very last sentence of the chapter.


I get the overall meaning of the sentence. But where does たん fit in? I’m sure it’s something really obvious but I’m not seeing it.


My understanding is that this is another example of the explication-tone の. In this case の is simplified to ん (which is very common).

The explication-tone の can be used when asking questions to imply that some sort explanation is expected, or that you seek some sort of answer. Combined with だろう(か) this gives a sense of “I wonder…”.

So here 叶実 is wondering how things would have turned out if she hadn’t been with おにいちゃん that day.


Thank you. I think when I was parsing this sentence I’ve got the elements separated incorrectly. For some reason I thought it was して and then たん and then だろう.

I’ve seen somewhere that だろう is the plain volitional form of the copula and I’ve got quite familiar with the 「んだ」explanatory ending from the book so far. I maybe should have spotted that they went together.

So is the た just a shortened form of いた (past form of いる)? Basically putting that part of the sentence into past tense?


That’s how I read it.


Yes, I also believe this is どうしていた.


Hi friends! I am late again, but don’t mind me as I drop a few questions:

Page 62


What is the role of から in this sentence? I know it was already addressed here:

And it was very close to my own take on the translation, but nonetheless I could not fit the から/because here. What is this sentence the reason of?

Page 67


I translated this purely as Kanami, listen…, like he is demanding Kanami’s attention, since ichi.moe gave me こと = particle indicating a command, but what is that の doing there?

I really enjoyed reading this week’s, felt it was lighter than the last, and it wrapped up another whole chapter. Thanks for helping me carry out this (previously) unfathomable task :smile: see you in the next one – hopefully I will be able to catch up!


Page 62

Consider the following English sentence:

  • “I’m learning Japanese because I want to read manga.”

If you stated what you wanted to do, then as an afterthought give the reason, it may come out as:

  • “I’m learning Japanese. Because I want to read manga.”

Japanese “because” sentences have the clauses in the opposite order from English, giving the reason first:

  • “Because I want to read manga, I’m learning Japanese.”

(continued below)

It’s the reason for her prior sentence. If you joined the two sentences into one, putting them into a natural order, Sae-chan’s mother would have said something closer to:

  • なになければ納得なっとくしますからすべて確認(かくにん)させて(くだ)さい」

However, she doesn’t say it this way. She starts out by making a statement:

  • 「すべて確認(かくにん)させて(くだ)さい」

Afterwards, she adds the reason that would normally have come first:

  • なになければ納得なっとくしますから

It took me a while to get used to this when I started reading native material, due to the clauses being in an opposite order from English. And 65 manga and several children’s picture books later, it still catches me off guard sometimes when I see a sentence ending in から, and then nothing. Then after a moment, I realize they’re giving the reason for their prior statement.

Page 67

In this scene, the text in rectangular boxes reflect Kanami’s inner thoughts. This starts on the prior page, with Kanami thinking “Why is he apologizing?” Continuing onto this page, “It wasn’t me.” “Could it be, Big Brother also…” “My situation…”

Here’s ichi.moe’s second definition:


In this case, situation Kanami is that she was accused of stealing. And up to this point, it looks to Kanami like her Big Brother may also believe it.

There are some ups and downs on the amount of words and difficulty of grammar, but by the end of the volume you’ll have been introduced to so many concepts =D Even if you don’t remember them all by the end of the volume, you’ll be that much more prepared for them when you encounter them again later.


Ah, good catch. Since this was partly in a panel with おにいちゃん’s mouth, I though this was his saying. Makes sense now, thanks for coming to the rescue!

Yay, I really hope so! I’m slowly coming to terms that I don’t need to retain 100% of what I’m learning while going through these pages, and that I’ll encounter them again over and over so eventually they will become stuck in my mind.

I’m also very excited to join you in the next book club, and to see how my efforts will pay off on a new material, on a new format (manga vs book)! Even bought the physical copies of the first two volumes of レンタルおにいちゃん and 10分 Vol 2. from amazon.jp today! :partying_face:


When I read my first manga in Japanese in 2018, I broke down every single sentence, and looked up the grammar for everything.

Often, this included doing a web search to learn more about the grammar.

Occasionally, half the search results were purple links. I’d visited them before. I’d think, “Wait, when did I even learn this one? I don’t remember it at all!”

Some of us (me) have to learn the same thing over from scratch several times before it’s remembered =P


Yes, that’s exactly the process I’m going through right now. What I’m finding very useful is to use Japanese The Manga Way as my primary grammar reference – and I do find most of the things I need there, at least when I know more or less what I’m looking for – and I jot down a very basic summary of the grammar point and “link it” (by highlighting with the same color) the sentence that made use of that specific grammar.

Here is what it looks like:



Then, when I encounter it later, I do a quick CTRL+F search on the whole OneNote notebook and usually the explanation is enough for me to grasp the concept. So far it’s been working wonders! Problem is that it is a lot of work to do it this way, hence one of the reasons I’m lagging behind the group schedule :upside_down_face:


I’m all about doing things in a way that’s a lot of work =D

I’m glad you’re keeping at it! (Unlike me having made zero progress in the Kiki re-read book club for over a week.) Hopefully you’ll reach that tipping point soon where more than half of the grammar you encounter is already in your OneNote document.

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Thanks once again for the help and the encouraging words, you are a true blessing :hugs:

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Page 66

In the second panel starting from the right, when Sae-chan´s mother is scolding, the sentence:

先生も保護者の方も etc…

Is it her request that both the teacher and her parents (保護者の方 is honorific for parents?) should warn Kanami about her behaviour?

Thanks!! :relaxed: :pray:


I believe you have it right. The 保護者 can refer to not just a parent, but a guardian as well. I read 保護者の方 as “the person who is (her) guardian”.