On several pages Alpha and Takahiro say さびい (or さびー) but I can’t really figure out what it means. Maybe a slurred 寂しい? But from context it seems more to refer to the cold…
Edit: never mind, Weblio had the answer: さむい→さぶい→さびい
Page 15: 粉をぶんまいた
I can’t really find anything for ぶんまいた… (I can guess what it means from context, but still…) Maybe something with 分 and 撒く?
Page 16: ふとん先しいちゃおうよ
I’m not sure where the しい comes from… Or is it just してしまおう with a slurred し at the start? (That would make it “let’s put the futon in front of it”, right?)
By the way, I totally agree with Alpha, 霜 is great!
Yeah, this is the second (or third? Can’t remember if the other chapter I’m thinking of has already happened or not) of just three appearences of guns in this entire manga, and it’s kind of a doozy in that Kokone’s reflex to pull out her gun when surprised from behind is so ingrained that she does it without even thinking. So if she has to be that quick to defend herself on the road… why’s the whole of the rest of the manga so laid-back?
I finished the volume today. I really liked this volume! Lots of nice story-telling, I thought.
Some small questions and remarks:
Page 118 (chapter 63): a question about the old man’s speech:
After Alpha says なんかおじさんのスタンドでお店やってるみたい
The old man replies:
I can’t really figure out what the non-contracted version would be so I’m also not entirely sure whether he is agreeing with her or not and that makes me doubt whether I’m understanding Alpha correctly.
At first I thought Alpha was saying that she might want to try to open a cafe at the old man’s gas station, but maybe I’m misunderstanding her. Maybe she means that standing outside like that resembles selling stuff at the old man’s gas station?
What do you think the old man is saying?
Chapter 65: I was already thinking that Takahiro looked older in this volume and it turns out that it’s intentional. It prompted me to look back at volume 1 and 2 and I was struck by how the art style has changed By the way, that was a really sweet (and awkward) scene with Takahiro and Alpha
The bonus page with ミサゴ and カマス: of course I’m having trouble parsing the punch line… I get that they are saying that they are usually silent characters and actually have things to say but what is ミサゴ’s last line? 「もー!出もりってゆうかこう」?? I can’t really figure it out but maybe I’m misreading the handwriting.
I’m not sure which structure he mangled (because no coffee brain), but it’s something like XはX in terms of meaning. Something around the line of “it’s indeed not unlike (having a shop in the station)”
Though, in chapter 62, it’s always irritated me a bit that Oyaji press-gangs Alpha into watching over the station. Guess she couldn’t have done much if she’d stayed home. Also, just noticed for the first time that she lists her gun among the belongings she brought with her…
Indeed. There’s always a point in every re-reading of this manga when I suddenly register that the art style has shifted to its more rounded final form. Think for this reading, it was somewhere in the middle of volume five.