I thought the fifth and sixth chapters of this volume were also pretty nice (just two more chapters to go after this - I’ll be creating the next thread Saturday).
I had some trouble with the start of the ナビ chapter but I think I got it in the end.
Apparently バンバン can mean something like a lot, so バンバン使った方がいいとは思うけどつい becomes something like I thought that it would be best to use it a lot. I said earlier that I already expected that the camera would come in handy, but I wasn’t thinking of doing your hair with it…
In the next bubble I keep misreading it as …のに… every time I see it, but it’s 持ち歩くの・に, right? Making 持ち歩くのにピッタリなんだ: it’s perfect for carrying around.
The chapter had some nice landscape drawings again. The scene with her looking across the water at the street lamps in the distance was very 懐かしい. But of course in the end she has only taken the rather mediocre photograph of the scooter
, she must love that thing a lot.
My favourite word for this volume so far: 引っ張り回す (p. 81).
Does anyone have any idea why the chapter is titled ナビ? I doesn’t seem to be that much about navigation…
I liked the festival in Kamakura (I also liked the dawn festival in the first volume). I was as surprised as they were by the big rocket, those were some nice panels.
Did anyone take the trouble to pick apart the slurred speech this time? I think I got most of it except for these:
p. 87, upper right: そこ来んかじじい
I think I technically understand what it says, but what is he actually asking?
p. 97, top: てーげーこいじゃ朝んなんべなー
I’m guessing there is some extra drunken slurring involved here and I haven’t a clue what he’s saying 
So is everyone still enjoying the manga and if so, what do you like about it?
For me it’s the laid-back atmosphere, the landscape drawings and that the humour clicks for me (it might not be very sophisticated, but it often gets a happy chuckle out of me - it works better for me, for example, than the humour in the Househusband manga).