I had a little trouble with the dialect the 幸せの血 members are using in the story (うそさつぐな, なぬ言っでる, etc). In case anyone is interested, it looks like someone else here on WaniKani who read the series earlier had the same questions (link to thread). Someone answered that some of the speech matches Tohoku dialect (東北方言), where the story is taking place in 宮城県(北部).
Thanks for the info! I also noticed there was some kind of accent or dialect but had no idea what it was. There were few weird things that took me a minute to figure out (the one I remember offhand is とごろ → ところ) and also probably a few things I missed/skipped over.
I think my question is vague enough to be spoiler free
Having a hard time understanding a sentence. For context, the proceeding sentence say roughly “only special people can go into that place”. And then this sentence
だから 君がその特別な人間だって皆に話をさせてほしい
the てほしい (want you to do something) + causative させる is confusing me. Any one have any pointers!? Thanks
This is how I understand that part of the sentence.
So we have 話をする that means “to talk or to tell a story”.
話をさせる => causative version: “to make (someone) talk or tell a story”
話をさせてほしい => (I) want you (as favor for me) to make (someone) talk / tell a story.
皆に話をさせてほしい => I want you to make everyone talk / tell a story
君がその特別な人間だって 皆に話をさせてほしい => I want you to make everyone talk about how you are that special person
だから 君がその特別な人間だって皆に話をさせてほしい => That’s why I want you to make everyone talk about how you are that special person
I hope that clarifies it! Let us know if you have further questions.
Note : It’s really helpful if you add a page number when asking questions, that way it’s easier for everyone to check what was the complete context of what was happening in the story to better answer your question.