デスノート ・ Death Note 📓 Vol. 2

The first 計通り I have seen.

I’ve always liked Ryuk and Light joking to each other.

  • The 女 is sharp, and what did the real FBI just dismiss? The possibility that Kira killed the criminal, or the fact that FBI rode in the bus that Japanese police would know?
  • Light already killed Raye one week later?
  • The fact that える is just L keeps evading me. Normally, I would think of 得る…
A bigger spoiler
  • Does Light really needs to take the file? For making sure, maybe; but does he really need to use it?
    • Or just to make FBI and police and L disoriented, but not really using it?
  • The 女 seems to be a big part of capturing Light, but she just let her guard down…
  • The grammar of 〜め, like キラめ? I have seen 〜め too many times, but can’t really process it. Also, it is too short to be searched meaningfully. Tendency?

Next chap spoiler (but not so much):-

父 manga style

(Light) is trying to do 大役. Getting bloody and getting rid of everyone in the way the a part of the equation.

Yes, he is just being megalomaniac.