セーラー服と機関銃🏫🌺 (IBC) - Week 10

Intermediate book club
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Week 10 20 April 2024
End page 164
End point (kindle) 2061
End phrase end of ch2
Pages 19
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Home Thread せーラー服と機関銃


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セーラー服と機関銃 vocabulary sheet

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Proper Nouns

Name Hiragana reading Notes Kindle location first mentioned
赤川次郎 あかがわじろう the author cover
尾田医師 おだいし Doctor Oda 24
目高組 めだかぐみ Medaka clan 86
Izumi’s family
星泉 ほしいずみ main character, Izumi 170
酒井好子 さかいよしこ aunt Yoshiko 172
星貴志 ほしたかし main character’s father, Takashi 179
酒井呈一 さかいていいち Uncle (Yoshiko’s husband) 201
知子 ともこ Tomoko (?Izumi’s mother) 211
マユミ - mysterious woman in Izumi’s apartment 348
土田恒美 つちだつねみ Real name of the mysterious Mayumi 1,827
奥沢哲夫 おくざわてつお Classmate of Izumi, Tetsuo (son of an executive, smart dresser, family expect him home for dinner on time) 251
渡辺周平 わたなべしゅうへい Classmate of Izumi, Shuhei (stocky, bowlegged, loves Judo) 251
竹内智生 たけうちともお Classmate of Izumi, Tomo. (Smart, heading for Tokyo university, wears glasses) 261
三浦久子 みうらひさこ Miss Miura, teacher 357
保科校長 ほしなこうちょう Headteacher Hoshina 368
和子 かずこ classmate, 433
健次 けんじ Kenji, Medaka gang member, short, unbalanced (brought the doctor in the car in the prologue), chews gum 555
英樹 ひでき Hideki, Medaka gang member, skinny and unhealthy looking, wears thick glasses 556
たけし Takeshi, Medaka gang member, stocky and overweight 558
佐久間 さくま Sakuma, Medaka second in command, unusually tall (‘beanpole’), in 50s 558
浜口 はまぐち Hamaguchi, local Yakuza chief 1,034
Other characters
黒木 くろき detective, head of the S section 870
浜口物産 はまぐちぶっさん Hamaguchi trading company 936
野田代議士 のだだいぎし Representative Noda, politician, waiting for Hamaguchi 1,064
岩田 いわた Night watchman at Izumi’s apartment block 1665


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First half of this week

After 30 years of reading mystery novels, every time I encounter a body whose face has been made unrecognizable by acid or similar methods in fiction, I can’t help but look for clues that it’s not really who we think it is. Couldn’t find any, though. So, RIP Kenji (probably).

Edit: Oh, and I also like how this chapter is structured to give us the maximum amount of bad feeling about the fact that Izumi just went on a Mayumi-finding mission alone with Kuroki without telling any of her allies where she is.

Week 10 thoughts

So it seems at the end of the chapter like our gang is going to begin investigation into a neighboring yakuza group. I’ll say I’m pretty excited to see how direct conflict is handled with the kinda wholesome medakagumi. You can also see the ‘trio’ already being sorta brought into the gang, which isn’t too surprising. Shuuhei (the meathead) at the very least is probably going to end up a permanent member.

After 30+ years of reading almost everything except mystery novels, I never would’ve thought of that! You’re right, and I hope it’s not really Kenji, we hardly got to know him. Surely a character who accidentally kidnapped a veterinarian deserves to live?

Second half of this week

Yeah, I’d love to see him alive. Unfortunately, Tomoo’s theory that it might have been torture also makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, that’s quite intriguing. Izumi’s plan to go over and just talk to them seems kinda risky, though. And I didn’t quite get why that Pine Tree Group became everyone’s prime suspect so fast. They were talking about how it could only have been someone who knew their new phone number, right? And the other suspects all made sense to me, but how did the Pine Tree Group get their phone number?
Funny the local police was also in the know. That puts Kuroki even deeper into sus territory.

Definitely. Those kids are on their way to a life of crime.

It took me an embarassingly long time of staring at this sentence to realize that the ヘ is part of the katakana word and they are not talking about someone’s loins :woozy_face:.

Week 10

I have to say I’ve been terrible with the names this entire novel apart from 泉、黒木 and 佐久間。But this week some of the names were finally starting to stick so luckily I also noticed and didn’t have to go guessing “classmate or yakuza” every line of dialogue lol.

I see a lot of people are getting suspicious of 黒木 as being maybe the culprit but I have to say I’m also still a little sus of 浜口。Maybe they’re working together since 浜口 is likely in with 黒木’s bosses.

Possible villains

I’m also suspicious of him. Since he was the one who coordinated the renovation of the Medaka Group’s office, he’s a suspect for leaking the phone number that Kenji’s murderers used. I’m wondering if he’s working with Kuroki or if they’re competing against each other. Kuroki mentioned that he’s looking for the mastermind who sent fake-Mayumi to spy on Izumi, so that might have been Hamaguchi, too.


So, I’m totally on board with 浜口 being very dodgy.
I don’t think 黒木 will turn out bad. (I think the (possibly reciprocated) hitting on a much younger woman isn’t supposed to be sleazy - it is just that we read it that way with our modern eyes - remember this was written ~ 40 years ago. I rather suspect it might have been wishful thinking on the part of the author…)


I don’t think Kuroki has been behaving in an overtly sleazy way toward Izumi at all. But there are a bunch of other things that make me dubious about him. Most of all, I’m with…I think it was @Sasabonsam (?) that he sometimes seems to know too much and says things that might be innocent but might also be him accidentially revealing information he shouldn’t have. For example, after the attack on Izumi, when he comes up with the “theory” that the attacker thought he was strangling someone else and stopped midway because he realized it was Izumi.

Also, if he’s actually a straight cop, he’s still not necessarily on Izumi’s side and he might be lying about other things than the ones we’ve recently been speculating about. After all, she’s a yakuza boss, so he would have reason to investigate her.


It’s definitely a bit odd. I’m not sure why they’re giving their number out to the cops in the first place? None of the characters pegged it as weird though, so I assumed that there was some implied logic going on that I missed. The whole situation with rival gangs shooting each other up for entirely hypothetical heroin also seems like some dubious reasoning, but I’m willing to roll with it for now.

Fwiw, I don’t think Kuroki is dodgy just because he’s hitting on a teenage girl. I also think it’s definitely wishful thinking on the part of the author, but moving on…

For me in particular, it’s Kuroki’s explanation for the killer’s motive from the other week. Of all the male characters we’ve heard of close to Izumi, who among them has been showing interest in the 包み but also seems fond enough of her to avoid killing her when she’s recognized? For lack of other clues, he’s the most obvious answer. The way he gave the theory also seemed strangely empathetic to me, too, almost like he was giving an excuse.

Although I could also see it being somebody like Hamaguchi or even one of the Medakagumi henchmen who wouldn’t kill her out of respect for the old oyabun :woman_shrugging:


Ha, we posted at almost the same time. Yes that was me! I agree with all the Kuroki stuff, he’s too in the know and the way he’s getting close to Izumi (buying her food, multiple 1-on-1 meetings) is suspicious.

Phone number

Now that you mention it, yeah, that’s odd. The police got involved when the Medaka office was shot up, but I’m also not sure why the group had to give them their new phone number if the new number was one they got later, during the renovation.

As for the second point, for now I’m hoping that the heroin is a red hering and the 包み actually contained something more important. Apropos shooting, I’m also wondering if Hamaguchi might have ordered the shooting (intentionally without killing anyone) to use the renovation as an excuse to send people to thouroughly search the Medaka office without arousing suspicion.