シャドーハウス (Beginner Book Club)

The thread for week one is now up!


Are you new to joining the Beginner Book Club?

Is this your first time reading material without furigana beside every kanji?

Have you not yet reached level 40 on WaniKani?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these, you may want to keep an eye on your reading pace to ensure you stay on schedule.

For the first two weeks, aim to complete at least two daily pages. If dialogue is sparse, aim for a third page. If it’s a bit heavy, it’s okay to stop at one page.

Starting week three, the pace doubles. Try to complete at least four pages per day. Sparse dialogue pages are great for getting in more, which gives you a buffer for those pages filled with dialogue.

Curious how many kanji you should recognize based on your last completed WaniKani level?

I have stats.

Disclaimer: These stats are based on running the volume through an OCR program, which may have misread some kanji. These stats should be considered a close approximation and not 100% accurate.