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Read-along Sessions
Come and read from the previous week’s section, join in the chat about this book or just lurk and listen. Readers of all speeds and abilities welcome - we are here to help each other out. Reading sessions will be held every Sunday at 9:30pm JST.
Week 7 session (in your timezone): Sunday, August 18, 2019 12:30 PM TZ
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I’m reading along
I’m still reading the but I haven’t reached this part yet
Like the other book clubs, I got behind while abroad without the book. By the time I was done with everything else, though, I started watching the ハイキュー anime instead of reading Sorry. I, too, will sit in a corner and reflect on what I have done.
@Sylph can you please add the percentage from the home thread to the table in this thread for this week (and in future threads )? I’m having to go back to the home thread every time I want to check it each week, it’s pretty accurate for people with ebooks so it’s easier to have it here as well. It’s 52% for this week. (I actually was lazy enough not to check it this time and ended up reading half of next week’s )
I should have done that already but since that didn’t exist in the beginning I got lazy just thinking about changing every previous thread thread
I’m gonna go do that now because if all the threads aren’t formatted the same way I won’t be able to sleep at night
So, yeah, I really can’t stand 白羽. I agree with her that he just doesn’t understand what he is talking about, but she doesn’t have to help him figure things out…
Also, that barbecue scene was a bit painful… I really hope I wouldn’t behave like those people in a similar situation. Hard to say without experiencing it though.
I am a bit puzzled いっちゃう there… is that supposed to mean 行ってしまう as in “years go by”?
At 49%
恵子 comes back to the コンビニ when it is not her shift, but I don’t really understand what’s her excuse for being there. She says:
From the meaning of the words it seems it is something like “inputting order numbers”, but I can’t really imagine what that means exactly; is she using the computer to register orders customers placed? Inputting orders the store makes to providers?
店長 even says that he already did it, so I am not sure what exactly she’s doing.
I don’t remember the context. It could be 言ってしまう as well. Out of context, that second one seems more natural.
It’s the second option: placing orders to providers.
She ends up just checking that he didn’t make a mistake. (It was his suggestion since he did input it already)
I’m not sure that fits, though I might just be missing something. Here are more details
恵子 is at the barbecue with her “friends”. This is a bit after the part where they talk about taking a group photo for your profile is theoretically more effective in dating sites than selfies taken by yourself. From context it seems to be they are talking about how she’s getting a bit old for marriage (and thus that she’s in trouble):
Oh yeah, I remember now. I read it as 行っちゃう at the time as well. I’m hesitating a bit more now, though, since 年齢(が)行く sounds a bit strange right now
(It’s usually 年齢が上がる or 年を取る or even 年齢を重ねる)
Edit: 年が行く is also possible though. But for the life of me I can’t find any 年齢が行く so far…
I thought it was just a variation of 年が行く. I googled and found some examples of 年齢(が)いってる and 年齢(が)いっちゃう. I didn’t find anything in a dictionary though.
The barbecue was sad with everyone assuming that’s what she wants/needs. And being extra rude about it too.
This sentence
And it looks like 白羽 is back…and his obsession with 縄文時代 with him. I don’t know how 恵子 is so calm about meeting him. If I understood the reading correctly it looked like he was out stalking again.
It seems the kind of situation where you’d call the police or get away, but certainly not one where you engage. And at the end she want to go with him somewhere? I guess I’m not very good at understanding her either, but if someone I knew did that I’d be concerned for their safety.
Nope, that’s 白羽. He was talking about how other people see him, and he started crying. That’s when Keiko suggested they move this elsewhere.
And yes he was stalking the same customer he stalked when he was an employee. Keiko saw him by chance, she warned him about it, he replied with how he’s not harming anyone, and he started crying. It’s probably the case that all his 縄文 talk is just a front he’s putting to hide his actual feelings of -probably- inferiority and being attacked by all the different people who abuse him.
Ahh, all right. It didn’t make much sense to me that she’d be crying at this point, but since it said there was a drop between fingers…so that probably means the face he grabs is his own. I have so much trouble knowing who is doing what in Japanese sometimes