キッチン Home Thread (Intermediate Book Club)

With this best of all introductions: Welcome to Moonlight Shadow week 1!


Almost there… :wink:


Here is the final and ultimate week! Enjoy :smiley:


Now that people are finishing the book, I think it’s a good point to ask everybody to rate it (where 5 is excellent and 1 is terrible):

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Also, if you’d like to discuss the book as a whole or share your thoughts and impressions, please feel free!

To give a good example, I’ll go first :wink:

I really loved this book and the way the author carefully drew the characters and unfolded the two stories. Also I liked how she unveiled more of them by frequently switching into the past, and I usually found it easy to follow (I remember having more trouble with other authors, but maybe this just shows that I’ve improved my reading skills). What I often struggled with was that although I felt I understood all the words and grammar of a sentence, I still couldn’t get at the true meaning of it - it seemed like there was another (maybe more philosophical?) layer of meaning on top of the sentence that is still out of my reach. I think this is definitely a book that I’d like to reread in a couple of years’ time.


The other day, I bumped into an article about the Joumon period, and I figured I’d leave a link here in case anybody wants to deepen their knowledge in that respect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Isn’t Jomon more related to Konbini than to Kitchen? :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, dang! There you got me :wink:


Aw man, was checking out this thread to see if I might give キッチン a try and that post of @NicoleIsEnough’s was its most glowing recommendation yet in my mind! :wink: