カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Home Thread — Starting September 7th

Not sure about worldwide, but in case you’re in Europe verasia has it and ships from Spain to the rest of the EU which is where I’m considering ordering from.

(Just be careful you don’t order volume 1 of clear card instead, as all their other CCS volumes are clear card, the 2016 sequel series)


wow, there is manga (just 1 volume) for 134 dollars, and then the same for 11 dollars… and is free shipping!!! worldwide, thats crazy. Does anyone have bought through that website before? I am scared now haha.

That’s awesome! I’ll be in Spain next month, I’m trying to find a store so I don’t have to wait for shipping but couldn’t find anything yet :face_exhaling:

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You can find a few in this forum if you search for “MangaRepublic”, and googling only seems to return positive results as well.

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I have as well. There are lots of people here who have, they’re great.

Verasia is only online as far as I know. I’m in Germany and use them a lot. They’re great too!


so how long do we have? i accidently ordered the illustration book instead of the manga, if i reorder from kinokuniya it’ll be about 10 days before i get it for a physical copy so i need to find out if i have to get it digital or not

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We start September 7th

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Even if you can’t get your copy by the time we start, the free preview on BookWalker goes up until page 29, so you’re good for the first 3 weeks (until September 28th when we start the 4th week reading pages 28-39 - the schedule is in the first post).


is this the correct book? i dont’ want to buy the wrong one again https://united-states.kinokuniya.com/bw/9784063197433

Looks like it. If you want to be extra sure, compare the ISBN with the one used in the other websites.

These are the ISBNs:

  • 978-4-06-319743-3

This is the standard Japanese paperback and seems to be the most common release

  • 978-4-06-364556-9

This is the standard hardcover release, and the one which contents-wise corresponds to the “refurbished edition” most of the ebook stores have. (It has a few more inter-chapter colour illustrations than the standard edition, but you’re not missing story by getting the regular edition)

  • 978-4-06-377154-1

This is the deluxe, 60th anniversary edition. Note the anniversary edition collapses 12 volumes into 9, so the chapters won’t line up. For volume 1 though, it’s fine, it just means you get 2 extra chapters after the club.


For first-time readers, how is your grammar?

We’re at the point where if you are lacking in grammar, you really want to open those text books and start reading up on grammar.

It’s important to know basic grammar, but it’s just as important to at least be aware of it.

Knowing of something makes it easier to learn later on because you’ll already have a foothold for making a connection when you encounter it in reading.

I’m a fan of Cure Dolly’s subtitled Japanese From Scratch video series. If you watch one video per day starting today, you can watch 21 videos by the time we start reading. (Videos are 10 to 20 minutes long, typically on the shorter side.)

Alternatively, Tae Kim’s grammar guide combines mini videos with text material. Go through one lesson each day, and you’ll complete the “Basic Grammar” portion before we start reading. (You can give the exercises a try, but don’t hesitate to skip over them.)

Elsewise, if you have a textbook, and if the chapters are short enough, read through one per day. If a bit longer, read half a chapter per day. Even at the slower pace, it’s possible to get through Genki 1 in a few weeks.

Remember, you don’t need to understand all the concepts just yet.

You want to encounter them and have at least a vague concept of them.

Once you see them in the wild (reading manga in our case), it becomes easier to learn them because you’ve seen them before. You’re giving your brain’s ability at pattern recognition a head start.

You won’t remember all the grammar you’re seeing in advance of our start date, and that’s okay. The important thing is that you’re exposing yourself to enough grammar that you will recognize some of it when you see it in reading, and that’s enough to help with the learning process later.


this is my first ABBC, excited! I was having trouble with the buying links but I found a paperback for less than $8 on eBay, people might want to check there too.


For those interested in watching the anime alongside reading, the first seven chapters follow volume one nicely, with three adapted chapters and four fillers.

However, the following episodes adapt the latter half of volume 2 before the earlier part of said volume, then material from volume 5 followed by volume 4, before finally getting to volume 3, then finishing up volume 2, and so on.

Here is a listing of adapted episodes and the corresponding (original release) manga volumes/chapters, via this StackExchange post.

Clow Card Arc
  • Episode 1: Vol. 1, ch. 1
  • Episode 3: Vol. 1, ch. 3
  • Episode 6: Vol. 1, ch. 4–5
  • Episode 8: Vol. 2, ch. 8
  • Episode 9: Vol. 2, ch. 9
  • Episode 10: Vol. 2, ch. 6–7
  • Episode 16: Vol. 5, ch. 19
  • Episode 17: Vol. 4, ch. 16–17
  • Episode 18: Vol. 4, ch. 18
  • Episode 25: Vol. 3, ch. 11–12 & Vol.2, ch. 8
  • Episode 26: Vol. 3, ch. 14 & Vol. 4, ch. 15
  • Episode 35: Vol. 6, ch. 23
  • Episode 39: Vol. 8, ch. 33
  • Episode 41: Vol. 5, ch. 20
  • Episode 42: Vol. 5, ch. 20–21
  • Episode 44: Vol. 5, ch. 21
  • Episode 45: Vol. 6, ch. 23–25
  • Episode 46: Vol. 6, ch. 25–26
[spoiler] Card Arc
  • Episode 47: Vol. 7, ch. 27
  • Episode 48: Vol. 7, ch. 28
  • Episode 49: Vol. 7, ch. 29
  • Episode 50: Vol. 7, ch. 29–30
  • Episode 51: Vol. 8, ch. 31–32
  • Episode 52: Vol. 9, ch. 36
  • Episode 54: Vol. 8, ch. 34 & Vol. 9, ch. 35
  • Episode 59: Vol. 9, ch. 37–38
  • Episode 65: Vol. 9, ch. 38 & Vol. 10, ch. 39
  • Episode 66: Vol. 10, ch. 39–40
  • Episode 67: Vol. 10, ch. 41–42
  • Episode 68: Vol. 10, ch. 40
  • Episode 69: Vol. 11, ch. 43–44
  • Episode 70: Vol. 11, ch. 45 & Vol. 12, ch. 46

And for completeness, I’ve put together:

Clear Card
  • Episode 1: Vol. 1, ch. 1–3
  • Episode 2: Vol. 1, ch. 4
  • Episode 3: Vol. 2, ch. 5–7
  • Episode 4: Vol. 2, ch. 7–8
  • Episode 6: Vol. 3, ch. 9–10
  • Episode 8: Vol. 3, ch. 11–12
  • Episode 9: Vol. 3, ch. 12–13
  • Episode 10: Vol. 3, ch. 13 & Vol. 4, ch. 14–15
  • Episode 17: Vol. 4, ch. 16–17
  • Episode 18: Vol. 4, ch. 18–19
  • Episode 20: Vol. 5, ch. 20–22
  • Episode 21: Vol. 5, ch. 22–23
  • Episode 22: Vol. 5, ch. 24

I got the entire manga for free for the first 3 chapters, it seems like it has an expiration date, but IDK if this expiration date is to get the manga for free or to have the free acess. (could someone explain, I’m a total beginer in this book club stuff). If it’s the second option, the expiration is until September 5th , sadly.

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Which site did you get it from?

If it’s bookwalker, and you picked up this one, then you’ve actually got the first 3 volumes of the clear card series, which is the sequel series.

There was a limited reading window offer a few weeks ago on the original series, but there doesn’t seem to be anymore.

You’ll note this text on the store page:

販売期限 2024/9/5 23:59まで
閲覧期限 2024/9/5 23:59まで

The first date is the deadline by which you need to claim the offer, and then the second date is the deadline for reading it - if there’s a deadline for reading, then it’s only a free rental, though Bookwalker also sometimes has free to keep manga as well.


That was my doubt, so then it will vanish before the new reading starts… sadly :frowning:

edit: oh, and I’ve just realized you said it was a sequel series. nvm haha

For anyone still looking for a copy, I went to my local kinokuniya today and they had many copies in the 少女 section! Maybe go take a look if there’s one in your area :slight_smile:


i love your cubone picture :slight_smile:

I missed this thread starting up but imma try and follow along for my first book club :smiley:


Thanks!! This is my first too and I’m predicting I’ll have a rough time but we’ll see!!


I’m reading the pokemon manga at the minute, I thoroughly recommend it at some point :slight_smile:

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