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I’m reading along
I had already finished this part before the thread was posted
So, what I noticed in this part of the chapter when I read it last week, as I presume did others, is that when Saya pulls out her gun, she plugs Kuu’s “tail” into the butt. So Kuu’s not just some friend she made along the way, but some assigned part of her equipment, as it were.
Though, gotta love that AI’s logic. Reminds me of the silo in the Wool series - asking to leave is against the rules.
She usually draws the gun at least once per chapter as a precaution, but the only time she’s ever actually fired it before this chapter was back on page 23, in chapter 1, when she didn’t have time to do anything except react. Though, she also fires from such close range that maybe the impact starbust effect is actually her using the gun as a club. Probably not.
I caught up to date. I’d actually planned to keep going until I finished the manga, but finding it pretty challenging for a BBC manga, I have to admit. So I guess I’ll read the next two chapters on schedule.
Oof. I caught up as well. This was a really challenging chapter. Thanks everyone for the work on the vocab sheet.
Once more, the book leaves me with a vaguely sad feeling. It’s not a book with a hopeful message, is it? I should try to mix it up with some more light-hearted stuff, maybe a bit easier as well to recover some reading confidence. (j/k)