ウスズミの果て 🏚️ Week 5

Week 5 August 10
Pages 101-111
Chapter 4
Previous Week Week 4
Next week Week 6
Home Thread ウスズミの果て

We’re reading this manga as part of the Beginner Book Club.


Vocabulary Sheet

  • Please read the guidelines on the first page before adding any words.
  • Pages are physical page numbers (they are printed on some pages). Ebook reader pages might be off by a bit.

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s: [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
  • Join the conversation — it’s fun!

The page numbers for ebook readers might be off by one or two. Some pages have physical page numbers on them, and you can use that to find out much off it is for you!

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along
  • I had already finished this part before the thread was posted
  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
0 voters

I just realized I already read this week’s section last week by accident.

…poor Claudia.


Wow, that was quite a chapter. Couple of things I noticed:


This is the second time that we’ve had out main character introducing herself, and I noticed that her lines are eerily similar to those of p. 69 in the cinema. Additionally, she doesn’t actually introduce herself by name, which I thought was weird. I think I was reading chapter 3 to quickly to catch it, but she says she’s a temporary investigator for the Ushimitsu research institute. Which is the last name that we saw for her. It could still be that she’s the last descendent of the Ushimatsu family and works in the family business, but I’m seeing more and more clues that she’s not a normal human.


I didn’t get all the details from the man’s recording last week, between the subject matter and the type of speech. Considering that we’re getting a repeat of the message here - with the last part that was interrupted previously - I think I’ll have to do an actual line by line translation to try and get all the nuances. I’ll post it here when I get around to it.


Great use of Claudia’s android features to make it look like she’s crying. Very clever bit of design.


Don’t tell anyone, but I have a secret link to week 6 you might want to follow

page 108

Could someone help me with what he’s saying here? Especially 伝わりやしない


I know you wanted specifically the 伝わりやしない part, but let me break down the entire thing for future reference

機械の君 - an android like you
には - basically “for” (an android like you)
どうしたって - set phrase, (no matter what)
伝わり - I’d like to call this “getting across”
やしない - set phrase for “will not”
だろう - probably
けれど - however

For an android like you, it will not get across, however…
Or in English:
An android like you won’t get it, but…

And the second part is
でも - but
ちゃんと - properly
言葉にして - to put into words
ておこう - standard “do something for someone else” meaning of teoku
と思う - I think

“But I think I’ll properly put it into words for you”


Ahhhh, perfect. Thank you!