イギリス人 Is it ok to add these synonyms?

Hi all! I have a problem with the meaning of イギリス人 (I’ve just failed to master it and it hurt). I know the meaning is “British person”, but it’s so obvious that sometimes I answer too fast before I remember the specific set of words that WaniKani asks. Is it correct to add these two words as synonyms?

  • British
  • British man

Why is that American and Frenchman are accepted answers but British and British man are not? I’m not a native speaker so maybe these options sound weird, or not.

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You can add anything as long as you got the concept of the word right in your head. Some answers are overly long or have complicated words in them, as a non-native it is also difficult to get them right while in the zone and typing fast. So I mark them correct or add synonyms.


Yeah, it’s true we are learning Japanese here and not English.

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Not gonna lie WK helped me learn a lot of new English words :joy:
There’s even a thread about it: What's the latest English word you learned thanks to WK


:sweat_smile: That’s also true! I often have to google new words! Even to the point of wondering if I should make some Anki deck of English vocab.


Words like Frenchman are older and come from a time when women had a lesser role in society. Britain is a relatively new term and tends to use the gender-neutral descriptor “British person”. British or British man is probably fine because you clearly understand the core concept.


oh, I see! That makes sense…

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I think adding the synonym is fine if you know the core concept (as long as you’re not in danger of confusing 人 and 男! ).


The name Britain/Britannia dates from the Roman era (probably earlier) and the modern version has been around since at least the 1300s so it’s really not new. :wink:

Source: Roman Britain - Wikipedia and britain | Etymology of the name britain by etymonline

The equivalent of Frenchman is probably Englishman (or Scotsman or Welshman).


Right! Now that I added the synonyms, probably I won’t use them anymore :sweat_smile:
It’s true that 人 means person, though. I should pay attention to that.

Briton is also used. Or Brit (but this is already an accepted answer).

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:thinking: I should add these now (joking)

I didn’t know Briton was used nowadays :hushed:

I would say yes to Britisher, but Britannic does not refer to the people (unless you add Britannic person, instead :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Buritaniku jin!

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I see, I wasn’t aware of that. My understanding is that Britain wasn’t used for nationality until recently, but maybe I am wrong?

Almost sounds like 豚肉人


:joy: :joy: :joy: almost!! I didn’t know that word.

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