🐶 わんにゃん探偵団 🐱 Book Club

Thank you for your explanation! I just bought the books and will join this book club :slight_smile:


Awesome! Glad to have you with us :blush: if you haven’t already, there’s a little poll you can vote in at the link above to say you’ll be taking part ^-^

Just had my order of the second わんわん book cancelled :pensive:

(not the one we’re starting on the 6th - I already have a copy of that)

Going to look into whether I can get it via proxy shipping, but it might be difficult to run the final books as clubs if it’s super difficult for people to get hold of them :confused: not that we really need to worry about that before, like, September though!

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I’ve literally just managed to get the third (and final) わんわん book off Amazon JP, been trying to get it for a while


Hey, look what I spotted in the first にゃんにゃん book:




Yay, it’s here :blush:


I had a small heart attack when I saw the picture cos I thought this was the thread for the first book, and then I remembered your post about managing to get the third one :sweat_smile:


Ahh sorry for the panic



It’s not your fault, haha, I was just like “how do I tell them?!:scream: also super glad to see it arrived successfully! I put in an order for books 2 and 3 just the other day via the proxy shopping service…

Repeat PSA!

If you know you’re gonna want to read book 2 or 3 with us whenever they happen, you want to start looking out now! They do seem to be available via proxy shipping relatively often, to be fair. In fact I think the third one was much more available than the second when I was looking :thinking: but there’s no guarantee that will last.


Fair enough :joy: I’m surprised by how quickly it got here given the global situation at the moment.

Here’s hoping your copies arrive without any issues.

I second this, I had no real issues as such getting the first two わんわん and both にゃんにゃん books as I did a large order since I wanted all the volumes of はたらくさいぼう(which I had trouble getting on Amazon JP at the time but are now much more available :thinking:) but looking at Amazon now I think it was just luck I was able to get them so easily, they just happened to be in stock when I was doing my order.

I also got lucky with the third book (although I had been looking for it for a few months) as I wanted the newest volume of はたらく細胞フレンド and I happened to notice the final book was in stock when I was checking my wish list.


Well, I just had 事件(じけん) as a ‘new’ vocab item in my lessons this morning - thanks わんにゃん探偵団(たんていだん) for the extra knowledge boost!

(then Discourse takes the wind out of my sails by telling me I’m a thread-hog :unamused:)

Let others join the conversation
This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here.
It could be even better if you got other people space to share their points of view, too. Can you invite them over?


You’re a very welcome thread hog :grin:

That’s almost my favourite thing about reading, honestly - every time I get a lesson on WK which I already know, it makes everything that little bit easier.


I finally cracked and upgraded my shipping method :sweat_smile: it was starting to really bug me that it was forever pending.

There are a couple of secondhand copies of both books available on CDJapan at the moment…


Wow you still haven’t got those yet? That’s pretty crazy, hopefully you actually get them this time. What did you have to upgrade the shipping to?

I haven’t ordered anything from CDJapan in so long, to be honest I forget about them sometimes and I really shouldn’t :sweat_smile:


I always use the cheapest shipping method, and it just hasn’t been operational all this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I upgraded to the next cheapest :grin: airmail.


I always try to as well, that’s one of the things I’m not keen on about Amazon Japan. I would rather have an extra shipping option that was cheaper and slower, none of my purchases are ever something I need urgently, I could wait a bit longer to get them if it was saving me some money.


@frayderike - time to open up the discussion about when to read book 2?

So - although it’s always risky to make assumptions before the poll is officially closed! - it looks like the ABC will be reading a book following on from Big Brother Rental.

I feel like it wouldn’t be too helpful to start Doggy Detectives 2 right around the same time. We’re unlikely to get as many readers for a sequel, even though they stand alone very well, but I’d still rather not force people to choose between two ABC-level options starting at the same time when we could space them out.

We could either start fairly soon, and just hope that people who don’t already have copies are able to get them pretty quickly - I’m thinking end of September / beginning of October - or we could wait until the next ABC club proper has been running for a month or two - so December or January.

It would be helpful to know the schedule for the winning ABC pick, but in the meantime, what are people’s thoughts? Comments welcome even if this would be your first わんにゃん book!


I’m happy enough with what the majority of people vote for. I have all the books so an earlier start doesn’t affect me shipping wise and I probably won’t be taking part in the next ABBC pick (unless it’s Kuuku the bear, the art is so cute) so that doesn’t affect me either. If there’s a spin off group for the remaining volumes of レンタルおにいちゃん I would join that but it wouldn’t really be adding much more reading per week.

If we choose to start later I can read the にゃんにゃん探偵団 books that are currently on my shelf to keep me occupied…


I’d say let’s start sooner, but then again I am biased because I’ve already got all the ebooks :stuck_out_tongue: It might be worthwhile to poll how many people even intend to buy the physical book in the first place? With the 'rona these days it’s particularly unappealing…

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For some reason I had in my mind that there was no eBook :thinking: must have been muddling it up with something else (I mean, I provided the eBook purchase links for book #1, so really not sure where I got that idea).