わたしの幸せな結婚 Manga Reading Group

わたしの幸せな結婚 Reading Group

I’ve been watching the anime every week ever since the adaptation came out, but being the extremely impatient person that I am, I don’t want to have to wait each week for more wholesome content!

I figured there might be other people interested in reading the manga version of this story, or people who might want to discuss it. So if you like romance sprinkled with some fantasy and want to read something a little challenging (because it has a bunch of formal language and the setting isn’t modern), feel free to join! No schedule.

Also, the first volume is currently free to read on bookwalker if anybody wants to check it out :slight_smile:


Kindle link | Bookwalker link

Synopsis in English (from Wikipedia)

In the 19th-century Meiji Restoration era, Miyo Saimori, who is born without supernatural talent, is forced into an existence of servitude by her abusive stepmother. When Miyo finally comes of marriageable age, though, her hopes of being whisked away to a better life crumble after she discovers her fiancé’s identity: Kiyoka Kudou, a commander apparently so cold and cruel that his previous would-be brides all fled within three days of their engagements. With no home to return to, Miyo resigns herself to her fate—and soon finds that her pale and handsome husband-to-be is anything but the monster she expected. As they slowly open their hearts to each other, both realize the other may be their chance at finding true love and happiness.

Synopsis in Japanese (from ganganonline)

願うのは、ほんのわずかな“幸せ”…。異能の家系に生まれながら、その能力を受け継がなかった娘、斎森美世。能力を開花させた異母妹に使用人のように扱われていた。 親にも愛されず、誰にも必要とされない娘。唯一の味方だった幼馴染も異母妹と結婚し家を継ぐことに。 邪魔者になった美世は冷酷無慈悲と噂される久堂家に嫁ぐことに…。 和風ファンタジー×嫁入り。結婚から始まる恋愛の物語。

Would you like to read along?
  • Yes, I’m going to read along
  • Yes, but I’m more interested in the novel version
  • No, because I’m more interested in the novel version
  • Maybe at some point
  • Not interested
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I’ll definitely post in here when I start reading the novel version! Obviously the vocab sheet would be different between the different versions, but I have no problems setting up and hosting vocab sheets on my Google drive should anybody want them. I’ve already got a lot that I’m hosting, so it’s no big thing. :grin:


That would be awesome, I know it makes it much easier to reference. I don’t use google services myself, so if anybody requests to have one, it would be awesome!

Maybe if I end up liking it enough, I will read the novel too. But it’s manga for me for now. The drawings are everything :weary::yellow_heart:


Drawings are great, for sure! The artstyle looks gorgeous. I just want more practice reading novel-style content


:100: I get you. I want to learn a bit more kanji first before I go for the heavy stuff. I was tempted this month to try out one of my TBR novels and failed miserably :face_with_peeking_eye:. I need to grow into my big girl pants still.


Spice and Wolf was my teachable moment. :joy:

I got through it, but it kicked my butt the entire way through. 僕愛 and 君愛 were nice and readable, though, and I have no problems with the 青ブタ series so far, so I am building up my hubris again. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll see if this one goes well for me or not. :joy:


I wasn’t planning on reading the manga, but since the first volume is for free… :eyes: :durtle_hello:

In chapter 4 I found a panel of handwritten squiggles text so I thought I’d share what I think it says. On page 104 out of 202 pages on bookwalker.


Blurred below so you can give it a go for yourself first :smiley:



:eyes: It might’ve been a big factor in why I’ve decided to start reading the manga too lol. I was planning to just watch the anime because it’s still a little above my level, I think. But I’m up for the challenge.


This part was the worst :joy:. I’m impressed that you could decipher it.


The first volume (of the manga) is also included in Kindle Unlimited, so I might join as well. I did read the english version a while ago; I don’t remember exactly where I stopped it though.


Here’s the docs for the vocab sheets in case anybody ends up wanting to use them! They are open for editing.

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