のんのんびより: ユメのユメ (volume 1)

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のんのんびより ユメのユメ

のんのんびより Volume 1

Start Date: October 6th
Previous Chapter: Chapter 9
Next Chapter: おまけ

Vocabulary List

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These chapters were… pretty weird compared to normal non non biyori. I wonder if there are more of these at the end of the second volume?

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Yes, that was quite odd. I don’t really know what was going on most of the time.


I think I spotted a pun.

I have inadvertantly added some extra pages to the vocab list, because I am not using my regular technology, and I don’t know how to delete them - if someone could do that for me I’d be grateful!

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Did the pun you spotted involve こうよう?

I have now been through a second time to look up vocab I didn’t know, and I’m still none the wiser… :joy: But I guess that is the nature of dreams.

Also, how cute is the ばく. I had never heard of them before, but my recent perusal of their entry on Wikipedia has made me want to meet one too.


Just all the wordplay involving ユメのユメ and ゆめの
夢野 seems to be a name. So sometimes it seems to be referencing a name and sometimes it’s a dream and there’s also the meaning of dreams within dreams. So I’m guessing it’s a bit nonsensical.


There’s a girl who buys clothes of a larger size so she can grow into them later.
“What metal do you like?” “A metal spike.” and the punchline is that she’s not sure if she’s telling a lie.
this creature that will eat your head.
and a 1/10th minature that does a special dance on her head that can’t be seen.

so it all makes sense, doesn’t it?


has not read these chapters yet

is already confused


The actual sentences weren’t too difficult to read, but making sense… well, I don’t think it’s meant to make sense. I think it’s meant to be funny in a silly/absurd kind of way.

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Re: favourite 金属 I think actually she knows she is telling a lie, but she’s doing it because she doesn’t know if she can trust the 夢のユメ.

Also, I never realised that もみじ and こうよう both use 紅葉 before now.


I didn’t even know the word 紅葉 こうよう until we read the fox chapter in Aria recently.

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I’m gonna be honest and say that I kind of glossed over these last two chapters, understanding very little of what was happening and not really feeling motivated to dig into them too much. But the ばく was adorable. That’s my takeaway for this week xD