えほんのチャレンジ:0歳 "Picture Book Challenge: Age 0"

Go go go! You can do eeet! :smiley:


I accidentally read one book too many :joy:


Somehow, I finishhheeeed! On the last day of the challenge! There were a lot of shorter books towards the end, so I was able to go through them more quickly.

@nbeck0212, have you decided about continuing the challenge starting April 1 for Age 1 books? :')

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Yaaay! Congrats on finishing! Yeah there are a lot of shorter books towards the end, which also helped me to finish.

And yep, already have the Age 1 books thread here! Starts tomorrow yaaaay!!


Thank you!! See you there~

47 books does sound much more manageable than 74, haha.

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Down to the last minute (literally) but I did end up clearing at least half the catalog :fist:


Managed a cool 50 this month, which is slightly disappointing but I had a work trip that took up a full week of my time, so I can live with it (I think I could have finished without.)

I’m going to wrap up this challenge before I move onto the next, but I have continued to enjoy it, and I think it’s helped a lot with my ability to parse kana-only sentences and my comfort in skipping things I don’t understand (most onomatopoeia…) as long as I feel like I’m getting the jist!


Thanks a lot for this thread! I’m way past the challenge, but I still joined the list and am trying to finish all of the books. :slight_smile:

And thank you @gojarappe for recommending this! The first book was really cute and I can already see how it can be helpful for really learning the basic vocab and some onomatopoeia. And children’s books are kinda fun, even for a grown up. :wink:

Edit to add my reading log here, so it won’t bump up the thread every time I update:

Day 1


1。ちゃぷちゃぷ: [onomat.] splish-splash (platsch platsch)
2。ざくざく: [onomat.] crunching (knirsch knirsch)
3。ごっつん: [onomat.] thud, thump, bang (donk) (also: ごつん)
4。ぐにゃぐにゃ: [onomat.] flappy, limp, soft and pliable (schwammig, lehmig, schlapp)
5。がさがさ: [onomat.] rustling (raschel raschel)

Other things I learned: While looking for ごっつん, I stumbled upon ごっつん盗 (ごっつんとう), which according to jisho is slang for “stealing a car by rear-ending it lightly and having a friend jump in and drive off after the driver gets out​”. XD
Nice way to learn i-adjectives and some colours in addition to shapes.

Day 2


1。 おばけ: ghost (Gespenst)
2。 ちょうだい: please [familiar language, female language] (“Bitte!”)
3。 わあい: Yeah! Hurray! (Hurra! Jippie! Juhu!)
4。 ぴょんぴょん: [onomat.] hopping, skipping, lightly and repeatedly jumping (hüpf hüpf)
5。 さる (お猿さん - familiar language): monkey (Affe)
6。 きゃっ: [onomat.] loud scream - seems to also be the sound a monkey makes (“Ii” lautes Gebrüll, gellender Schrei)
7。 ふたご: twins (Zwillinge)
8。 はと: pigeon (Taube)
9。 ぽっぽっ: sound a dove makes (gurr gurr)
10。 ばふぉ: apparently the sound an elephant makes (no translation found) (töröö)

Other things

a) When I type おばけ I can also choose :ghost: in my Japanese IME. :durtle_love:
b) “Bon-chan” is not only the ghost hero of the story, but apparently also a professional gamer with a twitter account


1。 あのね: look here; well; I’ll tell you what; hold on [fam. language, fem. term/language] (Hör mal! Pass mal auf! Nun… Also…)
2。 アナウサギ: European Rabbit (Wildkaninchen)
3。 ジェンツウペンギン: Gentoo penguin (Eselspinguin)
4。 とぶ: to fly; to jump (fliegen, springen)とべる: be able to fly/ to jump (fliegen/springen können)
5。 とっても = とても
6。 かっこよい: cool, smooth, neat (cool, klasse)
7。 シロイワヤギ: Mountain goat (Schneeziege, auch: Bergziege)
8。 ぺこぺこ: [onom.] very hungry, starving (sehr hungrig, am verhungern)
9。 なの: [at sentence-end with falling intonation, fem. term; colloquialism] used to make an assertion
10。 おっぱい: [children’s language] breastmilk, breasts (Muttermilch, Brust)
11。 ちゃんと: diligently, reliably (ordentlich, brav)
12。 キタキツネ: Ezo red fox (Rotfuchsart auf Hokkaido, Sakhalin und den Kurilen)
13。 ニホンザル: Japanese macaque (Japanmakak, Schneemakake, Rotgesichtsmakake)
14。 かけっこ: [colloquialism] (foot) race; sprint (Wettlauf, Wettrennen)

Day 3

Animals - どうぶつのまねっこえほん

1。 まねっこ: imitating, copying, mimicking, “copycat” (nachahmen, imitieren)
2。 へび: snake (Schlange)
3。 にょろ: “~” tilde, wave dash (Tilde)
4。 にょろにょろ: [onomat.] slitheringly; wriggling (sich winden, sich schlängeln)
5。 だっこ: [children’s language] carrying in one’s arms (Auf-den-Arm-Nehmen, Im-Arm-Tragen, Hochnehmen)
6。 おんぶ: carrying on one’s back, piggyback ride (Huckepack nehmen, huckepack tragen)
7。 しまうま: Zebra
8。 しま: stripe (Streifen, Band, Markierung)
9。 ぶた: pig (Schwein)
10。 ぶうぶう: [onomat.] oink oink (grunz grunz)
11。 くじら: whale (Wal)
12。 ざぶん: [onomat.] splash, plop (platsch, plumps)
13。 ぽんぽこ: [onomat.] sounding of a drum or hand drum (trommeln(d), paukend)
14。 ぺたぺた: [onomat.] sound of a flat surface repeatedly making contact with something (patsch patsch)
15。 きりん: giraffe

まねっこ遊び, playing with little children by letting them mimick what they see, seems to be quite popular in Japan. There are lots of You Tube clips. In Germany I guess that would be “Bewegungsspiel”, there are songs you do certain movements to, so it’s a bit similar. But I think it’s not quite the same.

Day 4


1。 ひとさしゆび: index finger (Zeigefinger)
2。 キラリ: glittering
3。 いちばんぼし: the first star to appear in the evening (erster Stern am Abend)
4。 ぶた: pig (Schwein)
5。 あひる: domestic duck (Ente)
6。 あくび: yawn, yawning (Gähnen)
7。 まきば: meadow, pasture land (Weide, Wiese)
8。 おとずれる: to arrive, to come (besuchen, ankommen [Schriftsprache])
9。 ミミズク: horned owl (Uhu)
10。 ムクムク: [onomat.] billowing (e.g. clouds of smoke), rising up, chubby (aufsteigend, knubbelig, rundlich)
11。 うかぶ: to float (schweben, aufsteigen)
12。 ならぶ: to line up, to stand in line (nebeneinander stehen, in einer Reihe stehen)
13。 やこうれっしゃ: night train (Nachtzug)
14。 ふかふか [ベッド]: soft and fluffy [bed] (mollig weich[es Bett])
15。 もぐりこむ: to slip into, to crawl into/under (hineinschlüpfen, hineinkriechen)
16。 とうとう: finally, at last, in the end (schließlich, endlich [Schriftsprache])

##Other things
Here’s a video of a woman reading the book out loud.

Day 5


あかるい: light, bright, cheerful (hell, heiter)
ゆらゆら: swaying, swinging (schwankend, flackernd)
ゆれる: to shake, to sway (schwanken, wackeln)
つむる: to close (eyes), to shut (schließen, zumachen (die Augen))
ごらん: (please) try to, (please) look (schau mal)
ゆめうつつ: half asleep and half awake, trance (Halbschlaf, Traum und Wirklichkeit)
クラゲ: jellyfish (Qualle)
うとうと: [onomat.] falling into a doze, nodding off (einnicken, einschlafen)
すうすう: [onomat.] sound of wind rustling through a crack (säuseln)
ゆめみる: to dream (of) (träumen)

Other things:

At first I was a bit sceptical about that book and it seemed kinda hard to understand, especially since the pictures have nothing to do with what’s written. But after working through it I like it pretty much. It’s got such a nice sleepy feel to it, and the instructions at the end on how to “prepare” for the book (by getting ready for bed) are really really cute.


ひよこ: young bird, chick (Küken)
かたりかけ: to make a speech, to address (erzählen, ansprechen)
親子: parent and child (Eltern und Kind)
過ごす: to pass (time), to spend (verbringen, verleben, durchleben)
ころころ: [onomat.] lightly rolling (rollend, kullernd)
われる: to break (zerbrechen)
あれあれ: huch! (Ausruf bei Erschrecken oder Verblüffung)
かくれる: to hide, to disappear

Day 9


指さしてあげる: to point at
嬉しそう: (seems to be) delightful
そのまま: as it is, without change
こんなふうに: in this way, like this
ちょこっと: a little, a bit
まとめる: to collect, to put together
参考: reference, consultation
ぽーんぽん: really full (bis zum Bersten gefüllt, prall gefüllt)
破裂音: plosive sound (Plosiv)
くすぐる: to tickle (kitzeln)
つまむ: pick up and eat
モグモグ: [onomat.] chewing

Video: 『語りかけ絵本 いちご』こがようこさん 読みきかせ動画 - YouTube


まんま: [children’s language] cooked rice (Hamham, Happihappi)
よいしょ: huff! hey-ho! [expression of effort or strain] (uff! puh! hauruck! [wenn man z.B. etwas Schweres hebt])
ねんね: [children’s language] going bye-byes, going beddy-byes, sleeping (Heia machen)
うんち: [children’s speech] poop (Aa, Kacka)

Day 10


ずかん: illustrated reference book (illustriertes Buch, illustriertes Lexikon)
みかん: orange (Mandarine)
ぶどう: grape; grapevine (Traube, Weintraube, Rebe)
いきもの: living thing, living creature (Lebewesen, Geschöpf)
かえる: frog (Frosch)
ちょう: butterfly (Schmetterling)
くらし: life, livelihood (Leben, Haushalt)
くっく: [children’s language] shoes
ないない: [children’s language] tidying up
おでこ: brow, forehead (Stirn)
ほっぺ: [children’s language] cheek (Bäckchen)
へそ: navel, bellybutton (Nabel, Bauchnabel)
あいさつ: polite set phrases for greetings / apologies, … [Höflichkeitsfloskeln]
かけごえ: shout [of encouragement] (Anfeuerungsrufe)
はっぱ: leaf [colloquial] (Blatt)
すべりだい: [playground] slide (Rutsche)


なぜ: why, how (warum, weshalb)
もういっかい: once more (noch mal)
ぬげる: to come off, to slip off (ausziehen, verlieren [Kleidungsstücke])
ぶくぶく: [onomat.] bubbling, foaming (schäumend, blubbernd)


お出かけ: just about to leave or go out (Aufbruch)
てっぺん: top, summit (Spitze, Gipfel)
すべり: sliding, slipping (Rutschen, Schlittern)
おきにいり: favorite (Liebling)
とっておきの: valued, treasured (geschätzt)

Day 11


逆(ぎゃく): reverse, opposite (Gegenteil, Umkehrung)

Not really helpful in terms of vocab, since there isn’t much text.


Since there are only sounds with pictures that represent them, only the explanation at the back was really interesting for reading practice.


Same as above.

Day 12


I just read through it quickly once and then accidently shut the window. T_T So no vocabulary, though most of it was food I already knew, so I’m only a little bit sad.

Day 13


にっこり: broadly (grinning), sweetly/cheerfully (smiling)


Basically exactly what the title says: Counting one thing and three things.


にこにこ: :blush:
いやいや: unwillingly, no no!, not at all
うとうと: [onomat.] dozing off
こちょこちょ: coochie-coo [tickling sound, onomat.] (“kille-kille”, kitzelnd)
わくわく: trembling, excited, thrilled

Such a sweet book, I liked it a lot, I don’t even know why.


とんとん: [onomat.] with a tap, with a knock (Klopfen)
たたく: to knock (klopfen)
ちっちゃな: tiny, little, wee (winzig, klitzeklein)
なでる: to stroke, to caress, to pat (streicheln, streichen)

Day 14


I honestly didn’t bother looking up any vocabulary for this one and just read through it in one go without understanding everything. I’m just not into trains that much. Or at all.


ひぐま: brownbear
あまえんぼう: wheedling child, spoiled child (verwöhntes Kind)
かしこい: clever, smart
あかげざる: rhesus monkey, rhesus macaque
ひなたぼっこ: basking in the sun

Day 21


かば: hippopotamus (Nilpferd)


あり: ant
さくらんぼ: cherry
あひる: duck
ぶどう: grape
たこ: kite
はっぱ: leaf
ふくろう: owl
はてなマーク: question mark
ずきだるま: snowman
とら: tiger
もっきん: xylophone
よっと: yacht


にぎわう: to be crowded with people, to be bustling with people

Day 22



レインボウブックス ことば

All kinds of onomatopoetica.


ぽんぽん: tummy/ bangbang (onomat.)


もこもこ: lumpy, fluffy (onomat.)
ぎらぎら: glaringly, dazzlingly, blazingly (onomat.)

Day 23


つみき: building blocks
つむ: to pile up, to stack
てんとうむし: ladybug


図鑑 (ずかん): pictorial book
みぢかなもの: close/familiar things
りす: squirrel
きゅうり: cucumber
かぼちゃ: pumpkin
さくらんぼ: cherry fruit
きゃべつ: cabbage
ぴーまん: bell pepper (Paprika)
きかんしゃ: locomotive
しょうぼうしゃ: fire truck
ぬいぐるみ: stuffed toy


Only pictures in this one.


おてて: [child’s language] hands, hand
もぐら: mole (Maulwurf)
らっこ: sea otter
たこ: octopus

Day 27


パッチリ: [onomat.] wide open (eyes), large and bright (eyes)


どろんこ: mud
どろんこあそび: playing in the mud


ぼこぼこ: [onomat.] hollow (sounding)
におい: odour, smell
はなばたけ: field of flowers, flower garden, flower bed
ちょうちょう: butterfly
ふくろう: owl

Day 28


おでこ: forehead
ぴたっ(と): tightly, closely


つんつん: I couldn’t find a definition that didn’t have a negative association (like smelling strongly of something, haven’t a pungent smell), but going by the pictures, it can be used to describe when you’re touching nose to nose (at least with children).


No text.


うかぶ: to come to mind


ながれ: stream, current


ぱとかー::oncoming_police_car: police car, patrol car
しょうぼうじどうしゃ: fire engine, fire truck
ごみしゅうしゅうしゃ: waste collection vehicle, garbage truck (Müllwagen)
ぱわーしょべる: power shovel, excavator (Löffelbagger)
ぼくんち: [colloquialism] my home
かっこいい: stylish, cool

Day 29

しゅっしゅぽっぽ ☆彡

はっしゃする: departure (of a train, car), leaving

Very very cute book with cute pictures.

Day 30


そっくり: exactly like, spitting image of
にょっきり: sticking out prominently
ぴょこぴょこ: [onomat.] up and down, nimbly
にる: to resemble, to look after
ぶらぶら: [onomat.] dangling heavily, swinging
くるくる: [onomat.] coiling around
しっぽ: tail
もよう: pattern, figure, design
がばがば: oversized
すらすら: smoothly, easily
のびる: to stretch, to lengthen


ひざ: knee, lap

赤ちゃんのことばあそび 愛蔵版 だっだぁー

Kinda maybe teaches you where you’re mouth should be when you make different sounds?


ほのか: few, indistinct, dim
つながる: to be connected to
はるかかなた: faraway, far-off

Day 31

いっしょにあそぼう あいうえお

のびる: to stretch, to extend
おかしい: funny, amusing

いっしょにあそぼう おめめ おはな おくち

おめめ: [children’s language] eyes
あんよ: [children’s language] foot, footsie, tootsy


そらとぶ: to fly in the sky
とびこむ: to jump in
きっと: surely


にわとり: chicken
ぶるぶる: [onomat.] trembling


Colors and stuff, no new vocab though.

レインボウブックス いのち

No text.


たいそう: gymnastics
ほっぺ: cheek
つなぐ: to connect, to link together
あくしゅ: handshake

Day 33

レインボウブックス リズム

A little bit of text up front, but nothing new.


しか: deer
らくだ: camel
だちょう: ostrich
くじゃく: peacock
さい: rhinocerus
まけば: farm
やぎ: goat
あらいぐま: racoon (so cute, because it’s the meaning is exactly the same as the German word “Waschbär”)
りす: squirrel
みずべ: waterside, waterfront
らっこ: sea otter
えび: shrimp
ひとで: starfish
やどかり: hermit crab
いるか: dolphin
たこ: octopus
おたまじゃくし: tadpole (Kaulquappe)
かえる: frog
あざらし: seal
たんぽぽ: dandelion (Löwenzahn)
すいせん: narcissus
ゆり: lily
ひまわり: sunflower
きく: chrysanthemum
はち: bee
ほたる: firefly
せみ: cicada
さんりんしゃ: tricycle
ききゅう: balloon
じゃがいも: potato
みにつける: to wear (clothes)
ズボン: trousers
てぶくろ: gloves
すいはんき: rice cooker

Day 34


かんらんしゃ: ferris wheel


Kinda small which made it hard to read. But here goes:
はりねずみ: hedgehog
まるた: log
おおいそぎ: great hurry, rush
まるきぶね: dugout canoe, dugout (boat) - boat made from a hollowed tree trunk
かげ: shadow
Cute story with little ぴょちゃん。

Day 35

いろいろ ばあ


おでんわ もしもし しましまちゃん

しましま: striped, stripes


のこさず: all, entirely, completely

The rest


かりかり: [onomat.] crispy, crunchy
ちゅうちゅう: [onomat.] squeek, peep; [children’s language] mouse


ちっちゃい: tiny, little, wee
くすぐったい: ticklish


くらげ: jellyfish
きのこ: mushroom
きのこがり: mushroom gathering (Pilze sammeln)
どうやら: somehow
みちにまよう: to lose one’s way, to get lost
よし: all right
みちをきく: to ask the way


Aww. You’re most welcome. @nbeck0212 is a blessing to this community! :heart:

I plan to read more once summer break starts since I won’t have anything better to do. DM me if you’d like to discuss books!


Thanks for the kind words!! :heart:


Can anyone help me with what ばあ means? I’ve seen this is the past two books I’ve read now but I can’t find much out about it. The last book I read was called かおかおばあ, and the one before was べるべるばあ. I know that かお and べる mean face and lick respectively, but can’t work out what the ばあ is.

Feeling a little stupid but the link to the guide isn’t working and I can’t figure out how to open the books without paying. Can someone provide a working link to the guide? Thanks :slight_smile: