三日月 New Moon vs Crescent Moon

The kanji lesson says that “三日月” means both “crescent moon” and “new moon”, despite those being very different phases of the moon. Did some research and found conflicting sources, but many listed “新月” for new moon. This seems like a pretty major discrepancy for terms referring to a lunar calendar. Anybody have an explanation?

EDIT: Okay, so point appears to be cleared up. What I didn’t get is that some English speakers do use ‘new moon’ to mean ‘very thin crescent moon,’ which I suppose does make a lot of sense in a literal way. Just not a term I’d heard used that way personally. Appreciate the answers from everyone who helped!


I’m not a native English speaker, but according to Wikipedia, new moon in English can also be a bit blurry.

The original meaning of the term ‘new moon’, which is still sometimes used in calendrical, non-astronomical contexts, is the first visible crescent.

Same for Japanese, on day 1 and 2 the moon is hard to see, but on day 3 we can see a thin crescent, that’s 三日月.


Language doesn’t translate 1:1.

Besides 三日月 is far more common than 新月 afaik.


If you see it you are likely to see something in reference to the shape and this will be the shape they are referring to

People won’t use for talking about the actual moons “new moon” phase where you cant see it. At least not that I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:

EDIT: Also, pro tip: If you want to know what something is when it seems to have multiple definitions, usually googling it and seeing what appears most is very reliable.


Right, the important thing is to know what 三日月 means, not what it translates to in English. If you personally would call that thin crescent a “new moon” (I would, I think), then it’s fine to answer with that. If you wouldn’t, then use the “crescent moon” answer :slight_smile:


Is your perspective the terminology used by academics/scientists or the usage by the general population in everyday usage?

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I also noticed that my Android IME made similar emoji recommendation when inputting みかづき:

Notice that the actual new moon emoji is not proposed: :new_moon:


TIL 朏. Doesn’t seem like its ever actually used, but its a very elegant way of describing a crescent moon. At least the one that comes right after a new moon.


Ooh, finally I found a place to share this photo shared by my Japanese Sensei many moons ago!

Edit: Due to Sensei’s photo being quite grainy from a low resolution, I did a quick google and found some sites that could help with the other moon phases pronunciations (two are Yomichan friendly), and some added alternative, less scientific or dated terminologies but are still interesting if you’re keen on learning more.

Maybe the wiki below answers @1000squid question?


Deep L’s translation:
The new moon is essentially the first moon visible after the first day of the lunar month. Since the moon is barely visible until the second day of the lunar month, the moon around the third day of the lunar month (Mikazuki) is the new moon.


Looking forward to correcting natives when they tell me that it’s a 十日月 when in fact it’s a 九夜月. Absolute noobs.


Just me as a non-astronomer native speaker. Hard to say what the general population would say, but I don’t think I’m being particularly unusual here – the dictionary lists both uses.

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Very interesting

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So I tried to clarify this “new moon” thing by researching things further, and I from what I can tell this has a lot to do with teenage vampires.


Wow thank you for sharing! :heart:

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Yeah I only saw crescent emojis too when typing the word on my iPad so I too assumed it is just crescent only.

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It’s blinkered additions to WK like this and their vision going forward for the service like this why I could never recommend this to anyone else.

I don’t understand their goal. Do they want to teach people kanji (the reason I signed up?), or do they want to teach people Japanese*?

*insert what that means at you leisure

I’m of the strongest opinion that half a dozen dedicated tools are better than a catch-all tool but WK clearly want to sell themselves as a catch-all tool. Who am I to tell the shareholders how to run their business? It’s the wrong business move. What WK did and did very well was taught us gaijins kanji. Sure, there’s redundant vocab and a questionable order, but as a whole product, it did its job and it did it better than anything else out there.

They’re now trying to extend and it’s ruining the product. The simple solution if they’re so adamant of expansion is make these ‘tracks’ opt in and let new subs have it all. Giving me, a level 32 user, a vocab that the community can’t agree on doesn’t fill me with confidence. It makes me concerned that anything I’ve learned so far could be incorrect. They’ve diluted their product and decimated the UI. I’m seriously concerned where this site is gonna be in a year. Will it even exist? I’m not sure this place even generates a profit

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Are you in the wrong thread?


No very much the right thread.

I’d have no issues if there was some kind of context for the vocab they add, but there isn’t (how many WK vocab words aren’t even used in natural Japanese, loads). the team are just adamant on making the product worse.

The fact there’s a discussion what 三日月 even means just shows it’s a bad addition

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Yeah… We’re ranting about synonyms now?

The “addition” in question is the fact that “new moon” is listed right? I can’t imagine you mean 三日月 shouldn’t be chosen because some people don’t know moon phase terminology well.

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I appreciate flippancy, it makes you truly consider your argument.

So 三日月 is a level 5 vocab, you’ve just bought into this system and you see it means ‘new moon’ ‘crescent moon’. You come onto the forum and see people with high numbers on their profile discuss what it actually means.

Have you learned these kanji? no. what you’ve learned is that there’s some obscure pronunciations of these kanji and their meaning isn’t concrete.

Is your experience of the WK system better or worse since the addition?