Yomichan and Wanikani/JLPT tags?

Holy crap, you are amazing!! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much! If I may, how did you do that?

I took the liberty of poking through the code to see how tags work, and found out how to change the color and order.

First, it seems that tags in tag_bank.json work like this:

[name, keyword (popular, news, etc), order, description, ?]

Then, I found the official Yomichan repo, and in it there’s a CSS file that seems to control the colors based on keywords. Here’s a screenshot:

By changing the keyword to words like popular or frequent you can change the color according to the CSS file. And by changing the order to a smaller number (even negatives) you can get them to appear first in order.

With that, I moved the JLPT and WK tags to appear first and made them green, and also changed dictionary name to JMdict+. It looks like this now, which I’m happy with:

EDIT: download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=79263342286260674753