Yet another Chrome Extension

Why always Chrome!? Please make some cool extensions for Firefox, pleeeease!

This is awesome, thanks!

How do you actually install this extension? I downloaded the zip file but that’s as far as I got. No Idea what to do next.

I also can’t figure out how to actually install the extension. It sounds super cool. Please help!

Never mind! Figured it out! 

For others having issues: 
1. Download the zip and expand somewhere you can find it.
2. From the Chrome Extensions Manager, click the button near the top that says “Load Unpacked Extension” and then just navigate to the folder from step 1 and you’re all set!

Great  thanks for figuring it out.
Still doesn’t work though, even with the API key. I’m missing the button to activate the extension. 

stundex said... Great  thanks for figuring it out.
Still doesn't work though, even with the API key. I'm missing the button to activate the extension. 
 Hmm... as long as you are on a page with kanji you know, it should show up right beside the "star" button in the actual URL bar. Try going here and see if it shows up: 

I’m not entirely sure what this is supposed to do. Can somebody show me a screenshot?

One of my favorite WK extension! I had a really hard time searching for it to re-install it.
I wish the title included the extension name; “character-reminder”, or even the newer one; “太字” for easier search.

NinKenDo said... I'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to do. Can somebody show me a screenshot?
 It highlights all the kanji you learned here on WK (you can add the kanji you learned outside WK, too). So, when you check a page written in Japanese, you'll know how much kanji you learned and can read.

Here you go...

Is there anything like this out there for firefox or safari? 

I added all hiragana to arbitrary kanji field but it’s not highlighting it everywhere. Somewhere it could highlight some character but somewhere isn’t (exactly same character).

awesome extension, cheers!