Hi all.
I hope this is the right place to post this… It may be somewhat vent-y, but I am wondering if anyone has anything they might be able to say that could help push/motivate me.
I heard about WaniKani a few weeks ago. I decided to try it out and so far it’s pretty cool. Some of the stories are entirely nonsensical, so I often substitute my own stories which has been a good help.
I have most certainly learnt a fair amount in such a short time, but I am feeling like I may not be learning as much as I should be. Does that even make any sense??
If you were to show me a kanji that a level 1 or 2 member would have to know, chances are I would probably only be able to give you either 1 on’yomi or 1 kun’yomi reading for it despite having seen more readings of it.
At first I was super confused in regards to when you should be using on’yomi or kun’yomu readings, but I understand them a lot more now- so that isn’t so much of an issue. Not for now anyway
The problem is that I just feel like I’m mapping symbols to sounds… I mean that is technically what WaniKani sort of is, right? But I don’t feel like I’m truly learning. It feels somewhat discouraging.
If I were truly learning I’d be able to fire off all the readings I know for the kanji up to now.
Also, I am still trying to wrap my head around when to use a certain kun’yomi or on’yomi reading. Sometimes certain kanji have more than 1 kun or on reading, how are you even supposed to know when to use that specific kun or on reading??
I still don’t know how you can pick up when a kanji is “stuck” together with another kanji or with hiragana in a sentence either.
And don’t even get me started on 下さい (seriously how does the kanji for ‘below’ suddenly turn into the word “please”!?!?).
I still feel like there is a huge gap of knowledge for the content that I am learning. Is this just the trials and tribulations of a newcomer? I have read some posts where people said “just keep doing it, and it will eventually stick”. Is it true that if I keep at it, it should slowly just come to me??
So many questions and thoughts all over the place… Sorry. I am still going to grab myself a lifetime membership I think. I hope I can eventually really start to wrap my head around kanji and Japanese as a language. I guess I am just wondering if this is normal to feel this way at the beginning of my WaniKani experience.
Either way I’m doing my best not to give up and I’m continuously practicing every day. In the wise words of Dia Kurosawa “If we are going to do it, let’s shoot for a miracle!”
Thank you for reading.