As I try to make my way through the various levels of radicals, kanji READINGS (‘pronunciation’, is more what I’d call them?) and kanji MEANINGS, I’m starting to feel irritated that WaniKani is marking some of my guesses as ‘wrong’, and therefore not allowing me to progress or unlock the next set of characters.
So for example, while I can’t provide any SPECIFIC or exact instances…I think there were kanji for Construction, and for Ten, where the only accepted or ‘correct’ readings were written in a slightly different way from what I myself may have entered. So for Construction, I think I entered ‘Ko’ (or maybe ‘Ko + U’) and it was marked as ‘wrong’. For Ten, I entered either ‘Ju’ (or vice versa, as Ju + U’?) and it was marked wrong.
I feel like such instances of WaniKani marking my guesses as ‘wrong’, are overly strict. First off, is there really that much difference in those readings, or how I’d written them out, vs how WaniKani writes them out (i.e., ‘ju’ vs ‘juu’)? Also, how many of us are here because we want to be able to READ OUT LOUD - and with 100% native-speaker accuracy - various kanji, vs how many of us simply want to be able to read/understand kanji?
I’d prefer if WaniKani ‘lightened up’ a bit on this aspect, so that if we enter ‘ko’ vs ‘kou’, or ‘ju’ vs ‘juu’, that it would still accept it as ‘correct’ (even if the site added the caveat that ‘while your answer is very close, note that the better reading response is such and such…’