Words not yet on taught on WaniKani

I know I should probably send them an email with suggestions, but I’m curious if anyone knows any words that are fairly common but aren’t being taught here.

A few years ago I used to write down every kanji/vocab I came across that wasn’t available here. I just checked and many of them have been implemented since then, such as 匂い, 沢山, 拍手, 愉快, 慌てる… so that’s nice.

Some words on my list aren’t super useful. Like 麓 ふもと - the base of a mountain
I only wrote down that word because a japanese friend of mine didn’t know it. I thought I should learn it for flexing purposes (never used it in my life).

There are words that I see pretty often but that aren’t being taught here yet, though. Here’s some of them in no particular order:
博士 - はかせ - doctor, phd (like オーキド博士 from Pokemon)
貰う - もらう - to receive
様子 - ようす - look, appearance, state of affairs ( bonus 様子見 - ようすみ - wait and see)
勿論 - もちろん - of course
喧嘩 - けんか - quarrel (喧嘩を売る to pick a fight with)
黄金 - おうごん - gold, golden
睨む - にらむ - to glare, to scowl at
繋ぐ - つなぐ - to connect (手繋いで - holding hands)

some of them aren’t usually written in kanji, but still… might be useful to learn

I’m looking for more words like that to study while I’m still not drowning in reviews. Any help is appreciated (。•̀ᴗ-)و


There’s a ton of common words that aren’t taught in WK, as that is not their priority. Most of them are just chosen because of the readings (or maybe they could think of good mnemonics). I don’t think they have added any new words before unless they at the same time introduced new kanji, but I could be wrong.


These suggestions include several (common) kanji that aren’t on WaniKani yet though.


yeah I understand that.
Some words like 煽る (to fan the flames) aren’t incredibly useful, unless you play online games where it’s used all the time, meaning to provoke or irritate your opponent. Words like that I don’t necessarily recommend to WK (though I wouldn’t mind if they were included).
That’s the reason I created this topic under Japanese Language and not WaniKani Feedback. I’m just interested in useful words that I won’t be learning here.

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I think WK should teach fewer vocab. It’s a tool to learn the kanji readings, and for some kanji it has way too many for basic on/kun readings, though for others perhaps not enough. The vocab list feels cluttered.

That said, I agree with some of your suggestions, especially貰う, which should certainly be included as both kanji & vocab. It’s not joyo kanji, which is probably why it’s out. It looks like it’s on the name use jinmeiyo list. Kanji Learner’s Course includes it as entry 1160. Sometimes I think WK went for less common examples in order to differentiate itself from other kanji systems?

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Alright, you were saying about sending e-mail suggestions so I took it from that.

Funny thing I’ve seen this used quite a few times in different ways during the past few days in the few books I’m reading. It can also be used to mean agitating yourself or getting drunk etc.

Yeah, but they were only talking about adding the words, unless I misunderstood.

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I’ve dabbled a little with KameSame for exactly this reason - wanting to learn words not taught by WK. One thing you could try is to do their 10 000 common Japanese words lessons, because then you’ll be taught all those useful non-kanji words, like だって (but), どう (how) etc. It’s a long list of useful words, so I suggest checking it out. :slight_smile: (also including kanji of course).


You can’t add the words without adding the kanji, so it seems implied.


can see how that could be a problem. Maybe I’m just forgetting how overwhelming the reviews can get since I’ve been away for a couple of years.
I’m more interested in sharing and seeing words other people consider useful but that aren’t taught here, so I can study them on my own. Doesn’t really matter if they want to add them to WK or not

Never heard of KameSame. Thank you for the suggestion! That’s probably what I was looking for

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Well, a lot of the examples, especially the now added in, include kanji already in WK so it was just a bit unclear. But if the OP didn’t mean to suggest they would be added to WK I guess it’s a moot point :man_shrugging:

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Glad to help! ^>^ It’s free as well. And there are more settings. Like learning from the JLPT-list of words for various levels.


Also, you should check out the wkstats.com if you want to know the coverage of WK vs JLPT for example. They have other comparisons on there as well when it comes to reading ability to give you a hint of what WK will teach you.
edit: for example. lv 60 will be 79.06% of JLPT N1 kanji. Good to know. WK covers the others (N5-N2), but not all of N1. (this is for kanji, not words)

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I probably could have worded it better. I just wanted to share a couple of words I consider useful, and hopefully learn a few as well. If WK wanted to add a few or all of them I think it would be nice, but I’m not saying they have to.
also I just copy pasted the words on my list and searched them, so I didn’t check if the kanji was already taught here. Sorry for the confusion

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thank you! that looks helpful as well
I used to be level 60… back in the day. Maybe I should have checked that before resetting all the way, I just wanted to study for N1 :expressionless: I’m sure I forgot a lot of stuff from earlier levels though so that’s okay


Well, good luck getting it back! ^^

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Here are some good ones that I’ve been studying:

馴染む (related to 幼馴染)



Thank you! those are great
黄昏 is one of my favorite words :smiley:
first time I see the kanji for 曖昧 and 逞しい
I’m adding all that to my study list (*・ω・)φ


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