Not sure if this category is the right one or not so apologies if this post was supposed to go in the questions category instead.
I’ve recently hit level 10 and i’ve noticed that there are already quite a number of kanji using the scooter radical (i currently have 8 of them unlocked, and i know there are 2 more on that level), so i got curious, checked the radical page and… Realized there’s a whopping 56 kanjis using this radical, which is a LOT. A lot of them seem to be related to movement too. I’m kinda wondering, why is this radical seemingly so common? I know kanjis are mostly chinese characters, but i don’t know why they are “constructed” that way, if that makes sense; for example, some kanji i feel like the meaning is pretty implied by the way it looks, for example 雨 (my personal favorite kanji so far) just looks like rain on a window so it meaning rain makes sense. Is the scooter part of kanji supposed to convey the idea of movement? I feel like that’s it but i’m not quite sure, and the fact it’s so common feels crazy to me
On a slightly related note, what’s the most common radical, is there a way to see that other than looking at the page of every single one of them?