What the Anki mode does is: that it shows you the answer and you just decide whether you knew that answer or not so you don’t have to type anything. You should of course only use it if you are not tempted to cheat.
So you want to speed up your reviews a bit, eh? There’s an app for that, or rather, a user script! (hint: link can be found somewhere near the bottom) Original script by oregu. (/t/Userscript-Wanikani-Anki-Mode/8399/1 ) BUT I HAVE TAKEN OVER THIS SCRIPT LIKE SO MANY OTHERS AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO UNTIL I RULE THEM ALL! enjoy. Very Important Note: If you install the script and jump three times in the air, as high as you can, there should appear a blue button in the lower right corner of yo…
And I started my own slightly modified version with buttons instead of just shortcuts. It works for me but isn’t really well tested yet: Userscripts on Android (Browser) - #64 by irrelephant