When to stop lessons for vacation?

In two weeks time, I will be going on vacation for two weeks. I don’t know how much time I will be spending on Wanikani during that time, if at all. What I’m wondering about is when it is appropriate to stop doing new lessons and turn on vacation mode :o I was thinking a week before I head off I stop lessons? Or is that too late :thinking:


Don’t use vacation mode! Just stop lessons now, do your reviews and try to upgrade as many Apprentice to Guru before you leave.

For me, vacation mode was a recipe for disaster. I‘m sure you can find time for reviews somewhere.


I agree with just stopping lessons, use an app or whatever to do little bits of reviews when its’s convenient. Though I’d say you’d only have to stop lessons a week before, unless you tend to develop a lot of leeches or are gonna be really busy before you go.

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If you don’t want to spend any time on WK, then use vacation mode, and stop lessons now, so you can get many items to guru2 and out of the most critical review timings as possible.

If you think you’ll be able to log in every other day or so, just stop lessons a week before. I am guessing you don’t have burn items yet, so there shouldn’t be too many pile ups. If you can keep apprentice low you’ll be fine, I’m guessing.


Hmm, alright, so what I’m getting is stop lessons now and don’t use vacation mode :o I think I can do that :thinking: Thanks people!

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I think you should be fine doing lessons for another week, you apprentice is so low. Unless you will be busy next week preparing.

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I think it’s actually better if I stop lessons now and instead focus on my driver’s theory exam, haha


Oh succes!

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Bedankt! :smiley:

Feels so weird not to do my usual lessons in the morning! D:

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Whew, so I’m leaving the following morning and I got my apprentice count to 0 just in time xD

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Woohoo! Enjoy freedom! Do you have a timeline installed so you roughly know what to expect during your trip?

Wow, impressive to get Apprentice all the way to zero!

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