What resources are you using to help reading?

You’re more than ready to read. Kanji and grammar wise your greatly ahead the point I was when I started (about half Genki 1 with around 700 words under my belt :sweat_smile: ).

First let me direct you to a great post related to your question:

Resources for Starting to Read Japanese Content

Then some video on youtube that is one of the few specificaly related to this

And then my personal method …Nowdays I read at least from two reasources, or better put two levels of difficulty are present in my readings.
Since I started with graded readers for japanese learners and I like them so much I went overboard and bought all the series I could get my hands on. Finally I’ll be finishing the last levels on all series by the end of this year (Ask ,Taishukan and Brookes Oxford) … It will be something like a year since I started with my first Level 0 book, now it’s almost 25 books later :blush: … I totally recommend this material.:+1::+1:

Second thing I’m reading now is a graded series for japanese kids ranging 6-11 years old, basically 小学生 . This has been such a great reasource… the amount of vocab that comes up with every new story it’s a lot, grammar wise there’s no contemplation, so you’re exposed to N5 to N1 grammar indistinctly… but good thing is that the overall complexity is still manageable, so you can surf through the difficulties and get to understand something totally aimed for a japanese audicence… and progressively go into more and more complex material. Since then I’ve picked up some other resources aimed at the same age audience and the complexity tends to be similar.

Mixing the later material with the last books in the Japanese Learners Graded series is very useful, for once I practice reading almost daily, whenever I have the time, I’ll go with the time consuming native content… if not, I’ll pick up a Graded Readers story and be able to speed read while still practicing my reading skills and ocationally learning some new vocab too.

So depending on your likings pick something that is somewhat easy to just keep you getting back regularly and then pick that other material that you feel the struggle a bit… but gets to be super rewarding in the end :+1: