What do you want now? (Request extensions here)

@Kumirei @rfindley
Also, it would be cool if the script can figure out what is the minimum amount of review sessions and their time.
For example, if there are :

  • 10:00 : review of apprentice-3 kanji #1
  • 11:00 : review of apprentice-3 kanji #2
  • 12:00 : review of apprentice-3 kanji #3

You know that you need to connect to WK only once, at 12:00, to perform the reviews of all 3 kanjis. This is more time-efficient than connect at 10:00, then 11:00, then 12:00.

On the other hand, you dont want to postpone all the kanji reviews to the slowest-progressing kanji. The script specifications would need some think-through …

What about an individual item or global settings “do not burn” flag? In which, if the flag was set and an Enlightened item came up for review, success just made it Enlightened again, with a new review time 4 months later?

This would be kind of proactively equivalent to an ‘unburn’ button, but it’s not the same as ‘resurrect’. The item wouldn’t go all the way down to apprentice (or down at all, it would just not go up).

A script couldn’t practically do that. There’s really only two options:

  • Answer correctly, item becomes Burned.
  • Answer incorrectly, item becomes Guru 2.

I like how kanji.garden paces progression. It lets you set a limit by not giving any lessons until you have more than X items in Apprentice, and each lesson only has enough items to get back to X items.

So for example let’s say you set X to 10. You study the 10 items in your Apprentice list and start reviewing them. 6 of them are easy so you Guru them quickly, but the other 4 are a bit more difficult and you forget them in a few reviews. What happens is that it “replaces” the 6 you Guru’d with 6 new lessons so that you always have 10 Apprentice items.

If you make mistakes on items you already have in Guru and they drop back down to Apprentice, it doesn’t make any lessons available until the Apprentice pool drops below 10 again.

I do something similar manually myself right now, but it’s very convenient with kanji.garden since if I see a lesson is available I know it’s time to do that lesson.


I thought something like this already existed :thinking: Maybe it doesn’t. Either way it would be simple, so if I feel up to it I might have a look at it this week


I think one of the scripts has a feature like that, just don’t know which it was. Maybe it is Lesson Filter?

I do use lesson filter to kind of manually do this. After each review session I check if my Apprentice count is under a certain number X, and then use the Lesson Filter total lesson count to “X minus number of items in my lessons queue” to get my Apprentice count back to exactly X again.

I’m a software dev, but a systems one so I don’t really know how to do this myself, but a pseudocode for an extension that would make this convenient would pretty much just be something like

have user set X in some settings page

when main page loads
if (apprentice item count < X) {
make min(X minus apprentice count, total lessons available) items available for learning
} else {
show zero lessons available

You can add more bells and whistles to it too as well, such as doing a similar restriction to other SRS levels if you want to narrow down your overall learning pace even more.

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This script sounds similar to what you want.


If it’s been done before, please link me to it, but I think a script that counts the number of lessons I’ve done each day would be helpful (so that I don’t do too much and get overwhelmed the next day, but make sure I reach my daily goal). Admittedly I could pretty easily keep track of how many I’ve done, but having a counter could help motivate me to stick to a good amount. A good place for this might be left of the lessons and reviews remaining boxes at the top.
**Bonus Feature: Making an adjustable daily goal setting, maybe by displaying [number of lessons done] / [daily goal].

Would other people find this useful?

Yeah that was the one!

This is what I was thinking about, yes. Thanks!

One nitpick that would make it more convenient is if it could display your “points” and capped available lessons on the main page. As it is you have to constantly check by going into /lesson to see if you have any lessons available.

Well, if you’re interested in learning some JavaScript… :slight_smile:


Decided to put something together quickly.


If you’re still interested, I’m putting the finishing touches on a script that does exactly this. Are there any specific things you would like to have included in terms of functionality?

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new script request: I would be interested by a script which can find what was the first WK item to use a particular pronunciation of a given kanji.
In such circonstances, WK usually states “You should be able to read this on your own”.

example: 操作 (lvl 33) is using the さpronunciation of 作, while the most frequent pronunciation is サク.
Can a script be used to retrieve and remind me which vocabulary was the first encounter of 作 pronounced さ?

The most convenient may be to generate a table for a given kanji:
[サク]: 作文 (level 5)
[サ]: 作業 (level10)


a forum-related request for once:
sometimes I read people in the forum who have a beginner-level badge, and yet have advanced considerations on vocabulary and/or grammar and/or wanikani level-design.
Then only do I realize that they joined wanikani in 2014, reached level 50 or 60 multiple times, and restarted from lvl 1 one or more times.

For this reason, could someone develop a script that will alter the avatar badge:

  • to show if the user already reached level 60 (or 50)
  • to show if the user has reset his/her progress
  • what was the highest level she/he ever reached


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I don’t think that information is readily available. You might even need someone else’s API for that.

hi :slight_smile: I was wondering if the level_progression API is enough.
A problem is that some information may be missing for pre-2017 users :thinking:

what do mean by someone else’s API? just the wanikani API, or a third-party URL serving of preprocessed data?

ps: understood. You mean that we cannot fetch the information of other users, just ours.

Ye ;). You could technically make a database with consenting users, but that is still quite a bit wonky ethics wise I guess.

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It is (was?) possible to pull the level data for all registered users from the forum profiles, not sure if it’s a good idea though :slight_smile: