What do you want now? (Request extensions here)

I’m wondering if anyone would be able to make an equivalent of “Auto-commit; the end of the enter key” script for KaniWani. I posted a request to the original creator but they haven’t responded yet and their icon doesn’t even have a level circle–don’t know what that means. Did they leave WaniKani?

Anyways, what I said there was:
I was wondering if you (or anyone with the capabilities) could make a similar script for KaniWani. I’d like to start using KaniWani to help with vocabulary recall, but the need for repeatedly pressing the enter key is a bit of a barrier. Also, such a script would help with the frustration of putting in the “wrong” girl (女子、女の子、少女) answer, since you would have a chance to “correct” your answer when you realized the word you chose isn’t entering.

I don’t know about making scripts, but I think this could be fairly simple, if perhaps time consuming, as long as you had the basis of the WaniKani script.

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