What do you do on days when you feel brain fried from WK

Like when you just keep getting everything wrong, and feel like you should be taking the day off


Iā€™d say take the day off. There will always be reviews whenever youā€™re feeling better. Just remember to use your best judgement, and youā€™ll be fine. Get well soon!


I come to @Redglare and say mmmmiaaaaou.

On the serious note: I always zero my reviews no matter what miaou


Meditate and try again. Donā€™t give up :slight_smile:

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Take a nap - no more than 20-30 minutes. Brain reset.


Finish your reviews always (every day if possible). Itā€™s ok to wait on new lessons until you feel like youā€™ve caught up. Itā€™s so much harder to get going after a break than to continue a streak


Bombing a review set feels bad, but I almost always have a great review set the next day ā€“ and a mistake is just a chance to learn the item better! So Iā€™d say roll with the punches, and look forward to tomorrow.


Donā€™t try to conquer all of the reviews at once. Just do 10 at a time and step away from WK in between sessions. Do something else, get a drink, eat a snack, whatever. Then come back to it.


The ā€˜wrap-upā€™ function has been my life-saver on this app. Someone mentioned it about a month ago, and itā€™s helped me considerably ever since. I pretty much always only do about ten at a timeā€¦ which actually ends up making a stack of 40 or 110 feel like similar amounts of work (not exactly but close enough).

Besides that, if Iā€™m feeling brain-fried from WK, it usually means I have too many new items Iā€™m juggling. So, Iā€™ll stop myself from doing new lessons until the new-ish material starts to feel more comfortable and I get the itch to learn more ā€˜newā€™ stuff.


I just give up for the day, pursue my other interests(there isnā€™t a time frame for me to learn) and missing a day or too isnā€™t too bad, there will be more reviews, but those can be taken care of in time.

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Stand up, do some kata to clear my mind, rest my eyes from the screen, then do another batch.

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Just take a day off haha, try and read a story or some manga, or some easy news, anything is good. Or just look at some Japanese stuff or watch anime for mental inspiratoin haha. I had the same thing this week lmao. Doing reviews in a bad mental state will just pile up more reviews in the future as things get leveled down. Also, don`t do any lessons what ever you do! Just take it easy! Its a marathon, not a sprint. Rest well! and have a Merry Chritsmas!


yeah, as others have mentioned Iā€™m just going to take the day off and tackle it tomorrow! I just feel too drained to look at kanji and recall definitions.

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actually after looking over the thread, I went ahead and slugged out like 100+ reviews. Heh, thanks to everyone I guess.


I went through exactly the same thing few days ago and it was frustrating to the point I almost made a thread ā€œPLS TELL ME THIS REALLY WORKSā€ to read positive words from others and convince myself all this wouldnā€™t be pointless. I ended up not making that post cause I wasnā€™t sure where should I filed that under and went to sleep instead lol

Thanks for making this thread, at least I know Iā€™m not alone


I always try to push through, or if Iā€™m really in a bad way Iā€™ll just take a break for an hour or so. Probably not the best thing to do but it works for me :woman_shrugging:


Reviews: I just do them anyway. I want to know how to read even when Iā€™m tired. Besides, failing reviews isnā€™t a bad thing, itā€™s just more review.

I try NOT to do lessons when I know Iā€™m like that though. I donā€™t do lessons until my reviews are at zero. If I just went through the ā€˜failed the review again even though I just failed it and saw the correct answer three minutes agoā€™ routine, then lessons arenā€™t going to be worth the time.


Itā€™s crazy how my mindset can affect my reviews. Sometimes if I step in and notice Iā€™m getting things wrong over and over, especially stuff I shouldnā€™t ā€“ I just take a quick break. Refresh. Reset. And then suddenly Iā€™m able to crank it out with excellent accuracy.

Definitely take some time off if you need it. But the reviews, and your review count wonā€™t be taking time off (without vacation mode).


when i have a brainfart, i take a break. eat, drink, get some fresh air or take a nap.
whatever it may be that i need at that moment, and then iā€™m back.

if that doesnā€™t help, i take the hits and let the items fail. sometimes thatā€™s whatā€™s needed.


I wasnā€™t well yesterday and did 20 lessons only because yippy yay Iā€™m a lifer on level 4. Woke up this morning to 99 reviews and almost cried. Itā€™s a 40min commute to my office and I kept staring at the 99 thinking Iā€™m gonna feel even worse after work so why not get it over with. So I did. I got 87/99 but the ones I got wrong were mainly due to typos as Iā€™m not used to doing reviews in the car on my phone. I will admit that I definitely stuffed up the readings and meanings for ē‰› and 午 because seriously they look identical. Also ē”Ÿ just eluded me because why the heck do all these look the same!!!

Sorry for the mini rant. For me I guess like what you did was just to get over it and get it done. Despite being tired and sleepy I genuinely knew my stuff which was heartening. No override scripts involved too hence the typos :wink: