Title is self-explanatory. Is there a website that could make a line chart showing the total amount of kanji, vocab, or radicals learned over time as to track your progress? If not, I think that’d be a really cool idea so you could look back and see your progress at the top of the hill. Any breaks you took, times you got burned out and quit, the highs and lows of your journey.
While I don’t think it shows radicals, kanji and vocab over time, this should suit:
As far as your last sentence goes, the Heatmap userscript is the closest thing I can think of.
Maybe WaniKani Timemachine is right up your alley?
Edit: @Marifly great minds think alike
Yes, there is! The Wani Kani timemachine.
Oooh! I didn’t know about the Timemachine - thanks to you both for the links.
Ooh, I love that, I’d never seen it, so thanks to you and @BigEm
I like how mine looks like a big train chasing a smaller train
Hmm, I think I’ll still have the trains, but it’ll be a much bigger rear train carrying another train on its back
i’ve never seen one that looks like yours before… it’s pretty artsy lol!
I think that’s a 'Reset at Level 10 then took a seven month break before coming back halfheartedly and the getting massive POLL thread motivation" graph