[Web] WaniKani Custom - The WaniKani SRS system but with your custom words and vocabulary

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Is it just me or does this not work anymore ? :frowning:

What issues are you having?

Sorry it’s in french, but I’ve tried for a few days and simply can’t access the site anymore

And yes it’s in my main bookmarks, thank you so much for making this simple yet super useful tool for specific stuff I want to work on !

Hmm. I’m very confused. I seem to be able to access it fine from my end.

  • Can you access the home page of the site?
  • Can you access it from a different device connected to the same network?
  • Can you access it from a different device connected to a different network (e.g. using mobile data)?

Also, I’m glad you’re finding it useful :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the home page of the site does not work, in any of these scenarios :confused:
I think it would be interesting to have the input of other users.

It works for me.

@Oshawk the only thing that is maybe “unique” to me is that I just moved across the country and for now have to use the 4G of my phone, even on my computer. So I’m realising that I could not actually do what you asked in your former post, as I do not have access to another network, it’s all the same 4G.
But it worked fine even in that situation up until a few days ago :confused:

I see. There are a few things you can try:

  • Running a traceroute to see where the issue lies:
    • Press Windows Key + R.
    • Enter cmd and press return.
    • Enter tracert wanikanicustom.com and press return.
    • Send the results.
  • Using a VPN.
  • Trying to connect from a public Wi-Fi network when one is next avaliable. This could at least tell us if the issue is with the 4G.

Here are the results :

Thank you. I may have resolved the issue. Can you check?

That… works perfectly !
I’m absolutely not well versed in coding and stuff, but just out of curiosity, what was the issue ?

Thank you again :slight_smile:


The issue was that IPv6 connections were being blocked by a firewall. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue since it would fall back to IPv4, but I would guess your mobile provider doesn’t work with IPv4.


This is amazing! I’m new to WaniKani but it’s been so amazing I’ve been wishing there was a way to use the SRS system with the words we’re learning in other places. I just discovered this today and tried it out. It’s fantastic. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it!!

This is such a useful tool! I’m using it to study vocab from the Genki textbooks as I follow along the regular wanikani route.

I have a few suggestions for things that might make it even more powerful:

Support for synonyms would be much appreciated. Like if a vocab has multiple translations, it’d be nice to be able to type any of them. (Maybe via semicolon spacing in the answer on the card?) And same for Japanese readings too in case there are multiple valid ones. On that same note, maybe text in parentheses could be considered optional in the answer. (For example the na in na adjectives)

I’m glad you are finding it useful.

I think I did add support for multiple answers a while back; you should just be able to use “//” (converts to “・・” for Japanese) as a separator.

Regarding the parenthesis feature, I will bear it in mind if I ever release a new version, but at the moment, my workload is such that I don’t see it happening any time soon, unfortunately.

Is self-hosting possible? The evaluation page takes around 3 seconds to load on my side

Hello. Sorry for the late reply. When I have some time, I will try and open-source this and make it easy to host yourself.

From my side, the only thing I know that I know takes some time is the generation of new text-to-speech audio. Do you think this could be your problem?

Hello Oshawk,
I have got no clues but audios do take even longer to be played.

Feature request: review due cards of certain level
so that hard words may be dealt with in dedicated sessions