Wanikani Widget for Übersicht [OSX]

I made this widget to display my WaniKani stats on the desktop a while ago but forgot to post here:

Übersicht is a relatively recent (and much better) alternative for GeekTool on OSX. I mainly use it with a second display so I can always keep an eye on it and see when I have new reviews. It will update automatically and the countdown timer works just like Wanikani.

How to install:

  1. Download and install Übersicht: http://tracesof.net/uebersicht/
  2. Download the widget: https://github.com/weslly/wanikani-ubersicht/archive/master.zip
  3. Click on the Übersicht icon at the menubar and select “Open Widgets Folder”
  4. Unzip the widget inside the widgets folder
  5. Open the widget folder and edit the “index.coffee” file with TextEdit.app to add your API key (you can get yours here: https://www.wanikani.com/account).

Optionally, you can open 
Übersicht preferences to make it launch automatically every time you login.

I hope you enjoy it!


How do I edit the index.coffee file?

I used TextEdit. You may need to right click on it and select ‘open with’ then tell it to use TextEdit.

Izana said... How do I edit the index.coffee file?
 You can open it with TextEdit.app (or any other text editor):

Thank you both! Much appreciated! 


This is really nice!  However, on my machine the ‘next review’ box doesn’t have any number in it.  The other numbers are correct.  I installed ubersicht and the widget yesterday.

It was like this yesterday running 10.10, and I just upgraded to El Capitan today and put a new version of the unzipped wanikani-ubersicht-master folder into the ubersicht widgets folder, but still the same. 

Any ideas?

EDIT: just discovered the debugger… this is the error in there.  (For the last one I tried editing the index.coffee to include the folder name in the path, but that obviously wasn’t it.)

mungouk said... This is really nice!  However, on my machine the 'next review' box doesn't have any number in it.  The other numbers are correct.  I installed ubersicht and the widget yesterday.
I just installed ubersicht and the widget today and had the same issue. After spending some time looking over the files, I found a fix for the error. If you downloaded the zip provide above, the wanikani widget folder should be named "wanikani-ubersicht-master". Rename the folder to "wanikani.widget" and the "Next Review" field will display properly.

mungouk said... This is really nice!  However, on my machine the 'next review' box doesn't have any number in it.  The other numbers are correct.  I installed ubersicht and the widget yesterday.

It was like this yesterday running 10.10, and I just upgraded to El Capitan today and put a new version of the unzipped wanikani-ubersicht-master folder into the ubersicht widgets folder, but still the same. 

Any ideas?

EDIT: just discovered the debugger... this is the error in there.  (For the last one I tried editing the index.coffee to include the folder name in the path, but that obviously wasn't it.)

 This maybe a problem with your Api Key. Please recheck it. If you have refreshed your key at some point, please update the key in .coffee file.

I had the same problem but your comment helped me. Thanks!

Hi, I’ve been using this widget for ages and absolutely love it, but it seems it just went kaput with the deactivation of API V1. Is there any chance anyone smarter than I knows how to update this to work with the new API?

Any news about the API v2 support?