So it took me a while to realize that WaniKani mnemonics are very consistent… but I got there. For example, ちょう is always Mrs. Chou, し is always sheep, and who can forget that crazy farmboy じょう Jourm?
I made a Google spreadsheet of them, both a list and a printable chart. I find it handy to look at all the mnemonics when I’m trying to remember an on’yomi…
Additions and corrections/suggestions are welcome! You can use the “Additions” tab for this or just put it in yourself. It’s a work in progress (including the “Introduced in level…” column, very much unfilled at the moment but I thought it might be useful).
mentioning everybody’s darling farm boy Jourm. WHAT kind of name is that? I legit had to read it about 10 times and tried to pronounce it as much and was still confused when he was first introduced. Anybody else?
this one was very confusing to me, as someone who has long since used the screen name of Jormungandr (Jörmungandr), and often have the nickname of Jourm… I have never seen it pronounced as じょう, its always been ヨウル as in ヨルムンガンド. so I just choose to ignore that one and remember it with different mnemonics
Yup, the letter J is tricksy. When I see Spanish-speaking people texting a laugh as “jajajaja” – it reads in my head as “yayayaya” (but never “jaw-jaw-jaw-jaw”)
What alternative mnemonic do you use? I’ve added an “Alt. Mnemonics” column, BTW, feel free to add.