Definitely feelin that surge when reading 公共交通機関*
* Thank god there is a short version of that
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Hohoho… that would’ve been too easy, eh?
公共交通 - public transport
交通機関 - transit system
Definitely feelin that surge when reading 公共交通機関*
* Thank god there is a short version of that
Hohoho… that would’ve been too easy, eh?
公共交通 - public transport
交通機関 - transit system
exactly this!
Those articles in nhk easy news with 衆議院議員 or 自動販売機 and I can read them, it feels very rewarding!
Drives home one more time the difference between reading and understanding
I could translate individual words - public, commute,machine, connection but didn’t put them together for public transit system
自動販売機 is crucial vocab tbh. They even had an article recently about 河豚自動販売機 which I think got posted on this forum somewhere!
I saw that article, very interesting new ways they are trying to sell stuff on those vending machines
Sorry I still don’t think I understand. Can you explain this word in American? Is it some kind of communist elven magic?
It might be one of those untranslatable words, but the closest American approximate is “greyhound,” I believe.
Something like that. It’s one of those words you run out of breath before you finish pronouncing (especially when you’re a smoker, but you shouldn’t smoke on 公共交通機関、ダメ!)
It’s no doubt an incantation to summon the grand ゴロゴロ地下鉄さま!
A reminder
Yeah, I feel this. Like, right now.
On a related note:
Not sure that’s necessary, mate.
(oh, and my first enlightenment as well.)
you enlightened my “day”
my reviews: u can’t burn me, cuz I’m the fire.
My brain to all other language knowledge to make room for Japanese
yeah, that’s why I have something like…30 Memory Palaces now??? lol My Russian has never been stronger.
Seems like it would be Karakuchi Komento, the Ro character is ロ.
EDIT: I’ve managed to learn 河豚 without reaching that level, entirely from the memes.