Wanikani + Kamesame + Bunpro = anyone else?

I’m doing all three at the same time since the Kamesame and Bunpro link their kanji work to my Wanikani levels.

Of course doing all 3 makes my Wanikani progress slower than normal, but the Kamesame forces me to type out the kanji and the Bunpro forces me to read the kanji in natural contexts (plus ups the grammar skills).

Just wondering if anyone else out there does a combo platter of study like this, yeap.


Wanikani+BunPro for now.

And I’m adding some kanji from BunPro to a custom Anki deck if I feel that WaniKani is too slow in introducing them (i.e. level 11+ for me right now).

I’m not sure about when or even if I will add Kamesame. It feels a bit weird that I’m supposed to study en-jp translation only for words that have kanji in them and not for the most frequent words.


I used Kaniwani instead (Kamesame wasn’t a thing back then) :grin:

These days, I’m only burning stuff on Wanikani and trying to get the habit of using Bunpro every day. I dropped Kaniwani because I make my own EN => JP cards now (no synonym problems frick yeaaah)

  • WaniKani for learning radicals, kanji and vocab to reinforce kanji
  • KaniWani for phonetic vocab recall, getting WaniKani vocab once I get it to Guru on WK - some people say wait until Master but I find that Guru gives good interleaving outcomes between the sites - I use the “ignore” button a lot with synonyms to start with
  • Kanji Tree (Android App) to test kanji recall, using Joyo groups instead of JLPT - has annoying sound effects though
  • BunPro for grammar - two books I bought have very helpful for conjugation specifics: “Handbook of Japanese Verbs” and “Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs”. Once you know what the different godan rows are actually for, BunPro gets much easier.

My speaking and writing fluency are both less than amazing but it’s early days yet.


for a short time I went WK + Bunpro + Kaniwani…

but then I wanted to actually have time to do something else… like reading and watching stuff :man_shrugging:; eventually I left as much SRS (WK vocab reviewing included) apps as I could, focusing on Anki (vocab / grammar) and WK for Kanji while allowing myself time to read and watch japanese shows.

Problem I see with SRS apps it’s you only know when you start… :sweat: … and then it’s fairly easy to keep doing reviews thinking that they are equally effective through the entire way …
I think after some time reading, listening and the speaking (+/- writing) should virtually replace all SRS.


This is why I don’t get the infinite SRSing of cards like a lot of people do on Anki (2 year SRS intervals, etc)


Lofty goal, my friend. Alas, life giveth us but twenty four hours a day.


I would even cap the SRS to something like 4-6months… and then… trust that if it had any importance I should have bumped into the same word along that time.


Yepyep, all three at once is intense and time-consuming. I’ve promised myself I’ll throttle down once I’m out of Pleasantville.

I dropped Kaniwani for the same reason. English is so imprecise. So many nuances on ‘to lose’

Only infinite free time can replace infinite srs for me

I was using WK and KameSame, but I was falling behind on KS and while it helped with vocab recall, it wasn’t helping me with actual kanji recall, which is something I want. So I decided to reset KS so that I can add in practicing stroke writing.

I looked at bunpro but it just didn’t gel well with me. The UI felt awkward, it ran slow on my chromebook, and it felt weird trying to guess what grammars they wanted me to use. Clearly a lot of people he at WK use and like BunPro and that is awesome, but it wasn’t for me

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