WaniKani Items Per Level Chart

I wanted to see the breakdown of each item per level, so I made an Excel sheet and a nice little chart. Thought I’d share. Happy New Year! :partying_face:


Nice :slight_smile: maybe you will like https://www.wkstats.com/ if you don’t know it yet


Thanks! I know it, it’s where I first went to find a chart like this but it didn’t have one haha


Nice! Would it be hard to have vocab on bottom and remove radicals? Once you get far that’s the big differentiator of the levels.

Could you share the sheet, please?
I’ve been wanting to see these numbers for a while but have been too lazy to look at v2 of the API or use the Item Inspector script.

Here ya go!


I don’t see why not. It’s just data I put in by hand, so it doesn’t reference the API, it won’t account for any new items they add. Is there a way to attach a document? I’d rather not put it on a google drive or something.

I don’t believe so. But, I believe the data in question is not copyrighted (the mnemonics are).

How about just cutting & pasting the numeric table vaues into the message window?

I downloaded the image, then made the white background clear, dropped it into a spreadsheet and scaled it to fit as an overlay on a full screen Excel chart then entered numbers in a table to exactly match the height of the bars in the image. However, when I finished, the total items in my spreadsheet didn’t match the totals that are supposed to exist in WaniKani.
The totals I googled were: (483 Radicals) (2055 Kanji) (6358 Vocab) (8896 Total)
The totals from my chart were: (454 Radicals) (2085 Kanji) (6560 Vocab) (9099 Total)
I would not have expected to be off by more than 1 item for each level overall.

Here’s the table

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Oh my, that… that’s a lot of work haha, sorry I didn’t respond sooner. Here is my chart of numbers, I made it on December 29th, 2022 so anything they added after that will not be accounted for. These totals were directly taken from the WaniKani website.


(486 Radicals) (2074 Kanji) (6507 Vocab) (9067 Total)

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