WaniKani Content Overhaul

Can confirm. I definitely used that thanks to you.

Edit : holy crap I am failing at posting this morning

Edit 2 : Forget it, I’m leaving it this way, idc anymore xD Tried to remove my mistaken reply to Omukai and ended up making it worse. #epicfail


There were many kanji that used on-the-line things, from fairly racial terms like the KKK to fairly childish terms like “boob” and “boob grave” to simply pop culture references to things like Charlie Sheen and Mullet. They were memorable, but it’s not hard to see why a business would feel the need to change mnemonics only some people get, or some find in bad taste.

Sorry about being 300 comments late, I just didn’t see anyone reply with a complete answer. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m still very early in the process, so this is a great excuse to start fresh with the new radicals!


So after complaining when the release happened i said the hell with it and decided to relearn all the radicals, no problem, 楽勝! That wasn’t even hard, just time lost, all Guru’d now. But after a few days now I’ve realized the biggest issue is the reading swaps, we do not know these readings and we haven’t learned them all through vocab, I’ve had to stop my progress several times now and look up the kanji and read the new reading mnemonics to drill them in, it’s a hindrance and was really a bad move. Stop complaining about the radicals, that’s a distraction from what will really haunt you latter.


BTW, I just noticed that the synonym given for the level-6 vocab “national treasure” (国宝) is Nic Cage… Was that an oversight, a placeholder, or a leftover April’s Fool joke?

The closest is a leftover April Fools joke. There’s a movie, National Treasure, that was real popular for a time (i dont know what time nor what location, but…) starring Nicholas Cage. It’s not a real definition, but it’s a little joke. Same with the synonym for 42 being The answer. (I hope they didn’t remove that :cry:)

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I think there’s a typo in the new text for Road.

It reads:

Aim the scooter’s neck at the road! Scooters are only means for driving on streets and paths, and if you go the wrong way, you’ll probably break your own neck!

“Scooters are only means for driving” is probably supposed to be “Scooters are only meant for driving”

Typos should be emailed to Kristen at hello@wanikani.com :+1:

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I just used that meaning yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

Not if… it’s already fixed! :partying_face:


:partying_face: :tada::confetti_ball::boom::sparkles:

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Curious that you should view getting to learn a new kanji reading that you didn’t know before as “stopping your progress”.


The downside of rewarding people with fake internet points in exchange for learning kanji: adding more information to learn only delays the reward.


gamification is a hell of a drug


In my opinion, you can start a discussion in another general discussion thread if you feel strongly enough about it. I think as long as the thread remains respectful, it should remain open and those that want to discuss can. Maybe it’s more important to not hijack this thread with a subject that not everyone wants to participate in. Yeah, I did this in the other thread as well, but ultimately agreed that it was wrong to send it off-topic.

I’d forgotten about that movie. I thought I was just the crabigator gods declaring the guy who brought us the ghost rider movie a National Treasure.


i see fugu got upgraded too…

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I still contend that the biggest annoyance is the stealth removal of meaning synonyms to who knows how many kanji and vocabulary items. The changes to acceptable readings is a growing pain but it looks to me like they added a bunch of vocabulary to help ease the passage on that one; 宝石、投手、and a bunch had vocabulary already ie 左右 。

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宝石 isn’t new.

I had already finished all the WK lessons before this update rolled out. For the curious, the new 18 lessons I got were:


  • 永 Eternity
  • 直 Fix
  • 象 Elephant
  • 良 Good
  • 畐 Scarecrow
  • 祭 Festival
  • 丬 Icicle
  • 章 Chapter
  • 倉 Warehouse
  • 郎 Guy
  • 喿 Syrup
  • 将 Commander
  • 疑 Doubt


  • 投手 とうしゅ Pitcher
  • 伝記 でんき Biography
  • 着々 ちゃくちゃく Steadily
  • 祭日 さいじつ National Holiday
  • 遠足 えんそく Trip

It’s new at the level it’s at, and the point remains that most of the kanji that now expect on’yomi (if not all?) have associated vocabulary to learn the on’yomi with, so it’s not really a huge deal.